張德永黃歆喬2019-08-29不公開2019-08-292012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0098023106%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92325本研究旨在探討臺北市萬華區遊客在文化觀光認知、文化觀光動機與文化觀光滿意度的現況及三者之間的關係,並分析不同背景變項之遊客,在文化觀光認知、文化觀光動機與文化觀光滿意度之差異情形。本研究採問卷調查法,並以自編之「遊客對文化觀光的認知、動機與滿意度調查問卷」,針對480位遊客進行調查,有效問卷為423份,可用率為88%。所得資料以描述統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關以及多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料分析。根據資料分析結果,本研究獲致以下結論: 一、臺北市萬華區遊客之文化觀光認知、文化觀光動機與文化觀光滿意度皆為良好。 二、臺北市萬華區遊客文化觀光認知之現況以學歷為高中職以下、職業為軍公教的遊客較高。 三、臺北市萬華區遊客文化觀光動機之現況以學歷為高中職以下、未婚、平均月收入為20,001~40,000元的遊客較強。 四、臺北市萬華區遊客文化觀光滿意度之現況以女性遊客、年齡為20歲以下、學歷為高中職以下、職業為學生、未婚、平均月收入為20,000元以下、居住地為國外的遊客較高。 五、臺北市萬華區遊客文化觀光認知愈深則文化觀光滿意度愈高。 六、臺北市萬華區遊客文化觀光動機愈強則文化觀光滿意度愈高。 七、臺北市萬華區遊客之文化觀光認知與文化觀光動機能對文化觀光滿意度做有效的預測,以「人際交流」層面解釋力最大。 八、依據本研究發現與結論,提出下列建議: (一)對政府部門之建議 1.舉辦文化觀光的教育訓練課程,提升遊客對文化觀光的認知程度 2.培育優秀的導覽解說人員,以提高文化服務品質 3.以古蹟歷史意象強化城市觀光品牌,積極拓展都市文化行銷 (二)對經營單位之建議 1.藉由各種軟硬體設備,以提供相關旅遊資訊 2.結合古蹟特色,規劃各種藝術文化活動 3.串聯各個古蹟景點,以帶動週邊地區的發展 4.擴大與旅遊業者合作,推出各式套裝行程The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship among tourists’ cognition, motivation and satisfaction of cultural tourism and analyze the differences based on their background variables. The research uses the questionnaire survey procedure. A total number of 480 questionnaires were sent, and the 423 valid questionnaires were obtained with a valid response rate of 88%. The data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, and stepwise multiple regression. The results of this study were as follows: 1. The tourists’ cognition, motivation and satisfaction of cultural tourism are great. 2. The tourists that are high education degree and government employees have higher cognition of cultural tourism. 3. The tourists that are high education degree, unmarried and average monthly income between NT$20,001 and 40,000 have stronger motivation of cultural tourism. 4. The tourists that are female, age below 20, high education degree, full-time students, unmarried, average monthly income below NT$20,000 and living in abroad have higher satisfaction of cultural tourism. 5. The tourists who have deeper cognition of cultural tourism have higher satisfaction of cultural tourism. 6. The tourists who have stronger motivation of cultural tourism have higher satisfaction of cultural tourism. 7. In terms of the cognition and the motivation of cultural tourism,“interpersonal relationship” is the most effective factor to anticipate the tourists’ satisfaction of cultural tourism. 8. According to the conclusions of this study, some suggestions are as follows: a. For the Government: (1) The Government should hold educational training programs in order to promote the tourists’ cognition of cultural tourism. (2) The Government should cultivate excellent tour guides in order to promote service quality. (3) The Government should strengthen the brand value by using the history image and develop the civic culture marketing positively. b. For the Management: (1) The management should offer traveling informations by the soft and hardware equipment facility. (2) The management should display each historic monument characteristic by planing art and cultural activities. (3) The management should connect each scenic spot of historic heritages in order to promote the business development in the vicinity. (4) The management should expand the cooperation among travel agencies and offer tour packages.文化觀光認知動機滿意度萬華cultural tourismcognitionmotivationsatisfactionWanhua遊客對文化觀光的認知、動機與滿意度關係之研究-以臺北市萬華區為例A Study on the Relationship among Tourists’ Cognition, Motivation and Satisfaction of Cultural Tourism ─A Case Study of Wanhua District in Taipei City