楊紹裘劉志宏LIU CHIH HUNG2019-09-042005-7-182019-09-042005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G00T0701207%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98535摘 要 建置教學資源庫是落實資訊融入教學上的一項重要運用。教師透過電腦及網際網路,將教材建置成資源庫,並藉由教材交換與分享,使教學活動更加生動有趣、學習內容更加充實。此外隨著資訊擷取快速、便利,教學資源庫應可提供學習者更多元及輕鬆的學習,不再需固定時間與地點作面對面上課的限制,本文擬就高職教師對教學資源庫建置模式現況與問題、資源庫架構及教學運用策略與實施模式問題來進行研究,期能提供教育先進對教學資源庫建置模式之參考架構。 為達上述研究上相關議題,首先經由相關文獻探討,了解高職教師教學資源庫建置模式的內涵及整合策略相關理論,進而自編「高職教師對教學資源庫建置模式問題之研究—以南港高工為例」調查問卷,對南港高工全體教師進行母群體調查,共送出220份問卷,回收問卷188份,本校23科學科,回收率為85.45%。 本研究調查所得資料,統計結果分別以次數分配與百分比、平均數與標準差、t考驗及單因子變異數分析等方式進行問卷資料分析後,得到下列結論: 一、全體填答者對現況方面的看法認為高職教學資源庫建置之模式非常需要整合;學校建置之教學資料庫介面應具有容易操作之便利性;高職教學資源庫建置是未來的趨勢等3個項目上,有較高之共同看法。 二、全體填答者對問題方面的看法認為學校教師配合意願不高,教學資源庫建置不易;認為學校教師個人本位主義對教學資源之建置不利」等2個項目上,持不確定看法較多。 三、全體填答者對建置模式功能方面看法認為成績查詢管理、隨機線上測驗題庫、教案的制定、專人負責維護、子資源庫、回傳服務、地區性產學合作、教學資源庫整合、主題單元模式、題庫難易程度、優秀作品集、檢索功能、主架構導覽、單元內容簡介、教師查詢學習紀錄等項目上,有較高之積極看法。 四、結論與建議上有關教學資源庫建置之便利性、著作權保障、專責管理等議題,有較高之共同看法,但也是各校亟待相關單位協助部分。 關鍵詞:高職、教學資源庫、建置、模式。Abstract The establishment of a teaching resources data system is one important application that feasibly integrates information into teaching. Through the use computer technology and Internet, the teachers can construct a teaching resources data system with their teaching materials, enliven their teaching activities, and enrich their teaching content. What’s more, the quick, convenient retrieval of information from the database provides learners with a relaxed environment, facilitates them in diversified learning, and frees them from the restriction of a face-to-face class schedule at a fixed time or place. This paper aims to research on how vocational high school teachers look at the issue of teaching resources data system in terms of the present database status and problems, the framework of the database, the strategy of applying the database to teaching, and the possible problems of implementing the database system. It is expected that the result of the research can provide a model mode to those who want to have a further understanding of the teaching resources data system. In order to conduct a research on the issues mentioned above, a literature review is done on theories of integration strategies as well as on vocational high school teachers’ understanding of the teaching resources data system. A self-designed questionnaire, entitled “A Study on Teachers’ Opinions about Constructing A Teaching Resources Data System: Taking Nangang Vocational High School as an Example”, is created based on what is reviewed. The questionnaires are given to teachers in Nangang Vocational High School to fill out, and the number of the teaching staff would be the denominator for this research. Among the 220 questionnaires that are given to teachers from 23 departments in this school, 188 copies of questionnaires are sent back, making the valid response rate as high as 85. 45 % The questionnaires, along with other related information, are analyzed through frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, T-test, and One-Way ANOVA. The main conclusions from the analyses are as follows: 1. All teacher respondents think it necessary to have a database system that integrates teaching resources in vocational high school. They also think that the interface for operating the teaching resources data system should be user-friendly. Besides, most of the respondents share the same opinion that the establishment of a teaching resources data system will be a future trend when they answer the three questions concerning the issue. 2. All teacher respondents think that teachers’ low cooperation and difficulty of establishing such a data system could be the possible problems for integrating the teaching resources in vocational high schools. However, more respondents hold an uncertain attitude when they answer the two questions concerning whether teachers’ individualism could pose a negative influence on the establishment of teaching resources data system. 3. All teacher respondents have a more positive attitude towards the functions and services that a teaching resources data system can offer, which includes: management of students’ grades, online test questions database on demand, format of lesson plans, full-time maintenance technicians, sub database, reply service, localized/regional industry and university cooperation, integration of teaching resources database, model of theme teaching, level of difficulty on test questions, a specific folder for excellent works, information search function, guided tour of the major database framework, introduction of the teaching units, access for teachers to students’ learning process, etc. 4. All teacher respondents think that the authorities concerned should provide necessary assistance and feasible solutions in terms of overcoming the difficulty of establishing a teaching resources data system, protecting the intelligence property right/copyright, hiring full-time maintenance technicians, etc. Key phrases:vocational high school, teaching resources data system, establish, mode高職教學資源庫建置模式vocational high schoolteaching resources data systemestablishmode高職教師對教學資源庫建置模式問題之研究--以南港高工為例A Study on Teachers’Opinions about Constructing a Teaching Resources Data System