曹士林Shyh-Lin Tsao邱建林Jian-Lin Chiu2019-09-042007-8-12019-09-042005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069248026%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/97951本文提出利用對稱性共振腔雷射、多工器、相位調變器及自製多通道史托克接收器組成一分波多工與極化鍵控光纖通訊系統。我們利用共振腔原理設計了一個對稱性之共振腔體,產生多波長的單模雷射,並利用相位調變器調變此單模雷射,產生簡易實用的分波多工與極化鍵控系統之訊號源。此外,我們應用單模光纖彎曲、擠壓特性與電子電路之設計,架構了一個多通道偏極化量測分析之史托克接收器,我們可應用此多通道接收器分析偏極化狀態並追尋偏極化擾動之變化軌跡。我們應用此偏極化鍵控光源與多通道接收器進行多層次分波多工與極化鍵控光纖通訊系統傳輸之研究。我們將應用多通道史托克接收器分析不同層次極化鍵控的資料傳輸特性,以評估分析我們所設計之分波多工與極化鍵控系統之特點與可行性。In this thesis, we provide a simple but novel solution for WDM/PolSK fiber-optic communication system. We use a 1.3 μm SOA, 1×4 channel WDM MUX/DeMUX, 90:10 2×2 fiber couplers, and 50:50 1×2 fiber couplers to form a WDM symmetric resonator laser. By combining the resonator laser and phase modulators together, we can provide a well performance multi-level WDM/PolSK light source. Besides, we design a multi-channel Stokes receiver as the polarization-state measured WDM/PolSK receiver to track the changes of the SOPs of the WDM/PolSK lightwave. By using the multi-channel Stokes receiver, we can easily observe and analysis the changes of the SOPs. Moreover, we set up a WDM/PolSK fiber-optic transmission experiment with 1Gbps signal. In this experiment, we track the SOP variation by using the multi-channel Stokes receiver. Moreover, we compare the received signalwith the initial signal to see the performance of our WDM/PolSK transmission system and check the practicalities of our homemade components in the WDM/PolSK fiber-optic communication system. The proposed design of our WDM/PolSK fiber-optic transmission system can serve as another possibility for PolSK signaling for high spectral efficiency and low symbol-rate systems. We can validate this WDM/PolSK scheme as a potential solution for future high-speed modulation format.極化鍵控光纖雷射史托克接收器分波多工邦佳球偏極化光纖環形反射鏡光纖通訊系統PolSKFiber laserStokes receiverWDMPoincare spherePolarizationFiber loop mirrorFiber-optic communication system應用多通道史托克接收器於分波多工與極化鍵控光纖通訊系統之研究Study of WDM/PolSK Fiber-Optic Communication System Based on Multi-Channel Stokes Receiver