闕月清李世雄Lee, Sai-Hung2019-09-052007-6-202019-09-052007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0093043003%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105185本研究旨在探討理解式球類教學法與傳統教學法對高中學生足球技能學習及比賽表現的學習效果,並比較不同教學法在學生學習效果上是否有差異存在。研究以花蓮縣國立高中一年級男生兩班共84名為對象,分別以理解式球類教學法及傳統教學,各實施8節課的足球教學介入,並在教學前及教學後各實施2節課的足球技能測驗及五人制足球比賽。足球技能以S型盤球、定點射門之前、後測驗成績;比賽表現則以GPAI(Games Performance Assessment Instrument)之做決定、技能執行及支援接應之評量成績,為學習效果之比較資料,經獨立樣本t考驗、相依樣本t考驗及單因子單變量共變數分析等統計分析後,結果如下:(一)在理解式球類教學後,學生的主、客觀定點射門成績有顯著的進步。(二)在理解式球類教學後,學生在比賽表現中的做決定、支援接應及整體表現成績均有顯著的進步。(三)在傳統教學後,學生在定點射門的主觀測驗及S型盤球的主、客觀測驗成績均有顯著的進步。(四)在傳統教學後,學生在比賽表現中的支援接應有顯著的進步。(五)在S型盤球的主、客觀技能學習效果上,傳統教學組進步幅度較理解式球類教學組大。(六)在比賽表現上,理解式球類教學組進步幅度與傳統教學組的進步幅度無差異。The purpose of this study were to examine the learning effects on Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) and Technique Approach (TA), and to compare the difference between learning effects on skill achievement and games performance. Eighty-four male students from senior high school were divided into two groups: the TGfU group and the TA group. Teaching for soccer was conducted for eight class periods. Pretest and posttest were administered to the participants using skill tests (S dribbling and set shooting) and Games Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI). Data were analyzed by independent-samples t-test, paired-samples t-test and ANCOVA. The results were as follows: (1) TGfU effectively improved the learning on objective and subjective set shooting skill; (2) TGfU effectively improved the decision making, support and overall games performance; (3) TA also effectively enhanced learning on subjective set shooting, objective and subjective S dribbling skill; (4) TA effectively enhanced the performance on support; (5) TA better improved S dribbling compared with TGfU; (6) The overall games performances were equally improved in TGfU and TA.理解式球類教學傳統教學技能測驗比賽表現TGfUTASkill testGPAI理解式球類教學法與傳統教學法對高中生足球學習效果之研究A Study of Teaching Games for Understanding and Technique Approach on Soccer Learning Effects among Senior High School Students