謝健雄2016-05-102016-05-102012-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/78829跨文化語用學研究不同文化背景之語言使用者或族群之間的溝通議題。文獻中尚無從跨文化語用視角探討新聞英文教學之研究。為補其不足,本文導入近年刊登於知名期刊之跨文化語用研究,以《芒刺》雜誌、《紐約時報》、《紐時週報》、《英文中國郵報》之標題或文本為例,推論並說明這些標題文本對臺灣英語學習者閱讀的理解難度與語用效度。過程中發現這些標題或文本的特色與英語跨文化語用情境有關,包括母語英語、國際英語、外語英語之語用情境。最後根據標題文本特色及語用情境提出新聞英文之教學觀與教材教法的建議。Intercultural pragmatics explores issues concerning the use of language by interlocutors from different cultures or speech communities. Little has been published concerning journalistic English as a course of study from the perspectives of intercultural pragmatics. To fill this gap, this article imports insights and findings from recent papers on intercultural pragmatic analysis of journalistic texts published in well-known journals. Newspaper and magazine headlines are drawn from Spiked magazine, New York Times, Times Supplement, and The China Post to infer and illustrate the pragmatic validity and accessibility of journalistic texts to Taiwan’s readers. It is found that features of the headlines and related texts are related to the following intercultural pragmatic contexts: English as a native language, as an international language, and as a foreign language. Based on the identified textual and contextual features, suggestions are made regarding approaches, methods, and techniques of journalistic English teaching.跨文化語用 語用情境 新聞英文教學intercultural pragmaticspragmatic contextsjournalistic English teaching跨文化語用與新聞英文教學: 以報章雜誌標題為例Intercultural Pragmatics and Journalistic English Teaching: The Case of Headlines