劉曉春謝佩芳Hsieh, Pei Fang2019-08-282014-2-42019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698380098%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86065國內第一個家庭暴力事件服務處於2002年設立,2007年家庭暴力防治法修法後,明定各縣市地方法院均須設置家庭暴力事件服務處所,並成為台灣社工一新興的工作場所。家庭暴力事件服務處的社工,在日常實務中除了提供家庭暴力被害人服務,也需要與司法、社政、警政等保護網絡成員保持密切的互動合作。研究者認為在契約委託且須與司法體制密切工作的實務場域中,可能會形塑獨特的社工認同。研究者期待透過家庭暴力事件服務處社工服務個案及與重要網絡成員的互動經驗,瞭解社工形塑社會工作專業認同的歷程。 研究者透過既有文獻的閱讀,認為家庭暴力事件服務處社工專業認同的形塑,實質上是由社工的自我認同、社會認同以及集體認同三者交錯形塑而成。而,本研究訪談了七位現在或曾經在家庭暴力事件服務處工作的社工,其中年資最短的為10個月,年資最長的是7年。 從七位家庭暴力事件服務處社工的實務經驗中,可看到社工的個人認同部分,從個別社工選擇就讀社會工作相關科系的動機、接受社會工作相關教育,並在進入實務後逐漸與社工對社會工作專業的認同融合,原先的個人特質部分反而逐漸模糊。在社會認同部分,社工因職務和職責所需,與網絡成員的互動分為與個案服務直接相關及間接相關兩類。在與個案服務直接相關的互動中,著重相關工作規定和規範,並參照個案的需求和權益為考量,呈現社工以「專業」和「職務」為依歸的社會認同樣貌。在與個案服務間接相關的互動中,社工一方面企圖向法院系統協商爭取資源,另一方面也幫社會工作專業開發更多的個案。在集體想像的部份,社工在一開始懷抱著各自的社會工作助人想像,並在實務中找尋符合社工專業教育所教導的樣貌,一方面補充現有家庭暴力服務網絡的不足,另一方面則期待藉由維護司法而達到社會正義。 本研究從試圖呈現家庭暴力事件社工專業認同樣貌的研究關懷出發,最終理解社會工作專業認同是個不穩定的概念,此一現況也反應在家庭暴力事件服務處社工專業認同上,社工如何在複雜的實務脈絡中建構多元而複雜的認同,也仍在持續發展的過程。The first Domestic Violence Service was built in Taiwan in 2002. With the Domestic Violence Prevention Act in 2007, provided city and County Court for set up Domestic Violence Service, becoming the new service type for social workers. The Domestic Violence Service social workers, not only have to service domestic violence victim in the daily practice, but also interact with network members like judicial, social, police. Researcher believes in the field of compact and requires working closely with the judicial system. It may shape the special social worker of professional identity. Researcher look forward to social work services of Domestic Violence Service and interactive experience with key members of the network, understand the process of shaping the social worker’s professional identity. After researcher read the existing literature to read, the professional identity of social workers at Domestic Violence Service, essentially by self-identity of social workers, social identity and collective identity are interlaced form. This study interviewed seven social workers working at the domestic violence service, whose work the shortest time is 10 months, the longest time is 7 years. In the practical experience of respondents.The personal identity of social workers, which start on social worker’s motivation choose to study social work-related department. After they enter to practice. The images of professional identity of social worker integrate the social worker’s self-identity. Blur the personal characteristics of respondents. In part of the social identity, social workers for the duties and responsibilities. Interaction with the members of the network divided two types of related directly and indirectly cases work services. In the related directly cases work service, social workers focus the provisions and specifications. The social workers give priority to the interests and needs of the case.The social identity of social workers is “professional” and “Office”. In the related indirectly cases work service, social workers plays a representative role of the social work profession. On the one hand to the consultation of the court system more resources, on the other hand also helps social work professional development more cases. The collective imagination of social workers is beginning of their respective social work helps people imagine. Social workers looking for in practice with the social work professional education taught. While complementing the existing family violence network inadequate, on the other hand is looking forward to through the maintenance of Justice and achieving social justice. This study attempts to render the professional identity of social workers at the Domestic Violence Service. Finally understand concepts of social work professional identity is unstable. This reality is also reflected in professional identity of social worker at Domestic Violence Service. The professional identity of social worker is a complex construction of multiple and complex. The Social workers of Domestic Violence Service in the continued development of professional identity.專業認同社會認同自我認同集體認同professional identitysocial identityself-identitycollective identity家庭暴力事件服務處社工專業認同型塑的探究The exploration for the professional identity of social workers at Domestic Violence Service