邱瓊慧Chiu, Chiung-Hui陳育樺Chen, Yu-Hua2023-12-082028-08-212023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/eb882e1bd36f7becd8b2bd5b400a7aad/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119795本研究旨在透過線上後設認知提問引導促進學生對科學探究學習反思品質的表現;以及探討不同探究小組反思品質表現對後設認知發展與科學探究能力之影響。本研究以新北市某高中二年級四個班級 138 位學生(男生 39 人、女生 99 人)為研究對象,在為期六週的科學探究課程中採用引導式探究的方法進行教學。學生使用 iPad 平板電腦進行科學探究活動與後設認知提問引導的回應,於實驗活動結束後進行後設認知量表與科學探究能力後測測驗。K-means分群方法分析、多變量共變數分析、單因子共變數分析結果顯示:一、學生在不同探究階段的反思品質會因任務難度及後設認知提問引導屬性不同而有差異,且在轉化質性資料成量化結果並透過K-means分析,可將學生反思區分為高品質組與低品質組;二、在後設認知發展上,高品質組能夠針對後設認知提問引導進行實質討論、有效的合作與反思,因此在整體後設認知發展上顯著優於低品質組;三、在科學探究能力上,高品質組能夠更好地反思解決問題的步驟,表達探究的思想,以及解釋、證明他們的探究觀點,因此高品質組在科學探究能力上也顯著優於低品質組。The purpose of this study was to promote students' reflective quality performance in scientific inquiry learning through online metacognitive inquiry instruction and to investigate the effects of reflective quality performance on metacognitive development and scientific inquiry skills in different inquiry groups. In this study, 138 students(39 males and 99 females) in four second-year classes at a high school in New Taipei City received guided inquiry instruction during a six-week science inquiry course. Students used their iPads to complete science inquiry activities, responded to metacognitive inquiry instruction, and completed the Metacognitive Scale and Science Inquiry Skills post-test at the end of the lab activities. The results of K-means analysis, multivariate covariate analysis, and one-way covariate analysis showed that: 1) the quality of students' reflections at different stages of inquiry varied according to the difficulty of the task and the characteristics of metacognitive inquiry instruction, and that after converting the qualitative data into quantitative results and analyzing the results with K-means analysis, students could be divided into high-quality and low-quality groups based on their reflective qualities; 2) in terms of metacognitive development, the high quality groups were able to have substantive discussions and effective cooperation and reflection on the metacognitive inquiry instruction; 3) in terms of ability to engage in scientific inquiry, the high quality groups were able to reflect on the steps to solve a problem, express their ideas about the inquiry, and explain and justify their points of view about the inquiry, so the high quality group was significantly better than the low quality group in their ability to engage in scientific inquiry.後設認知科學探究學習後設認知提問引導反思品質metacognitionscience inquiry learningmetacognitive inquiry instructionreflective quality以線上同儕提問引導促進高中生於科學探究歷程的反思、學習成就與後設認知Using Online Peer-Question Guidance to Promote Reflection, Achievement and Metacognition of High-School Students in Scientific Inquiry Learningetd