徐東伯Hsu, Dong-Bo劉沂芳Liu, Yi-Fang2022-06-082021-10-192022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/d193a9821b2f115f6630e60341e6d9c8/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116677本研究藉由觀察句法啟動上中文二語者如何消解動賓/結果結構的歧義句,探討中文二語者的語言理解機制。實驗設計以動詞不重複的理解型句法啟動搭配圖片語句選配任務,檢驗啟動結構、頻率、延遲與否等變項是否影響啟動與解歧過程。除了二語者的立即啟動和延遲啟動實驗,還另外加入一語者延遲啟動實驗作為對照。結果發現啟動結構會影響二語者的目標歧義句理解:在唸讀完結果啟動句之後,將歧義句解讀為同樣結構的比例顯著多於動賓啟動句之後,但僅在立即啟動中發現偏弱的啟動效果,而延遲與否與動詞頻率並未造成顯著影響;一語者延遲啟動實驗則沒有顯著句法啟動效果,動詞頻率也沒有造成影響。二語者、一語者實驗結果相似之處在於:啟動句的動詞頻率都沒有對句法啟動造成影響、同為延遲啟動情形下都沒有發現句法啟動效果、兩者將歧義句解讀為結果結構的比例都較高,然而一語者又顯著高於二語者,表示兩者理解動賓/結果歧義結構的過程同中有異,可能同時受制於詞彙理解規則、或受到經驗差異所操控。總體結果支持多重原因引發句法啟動的說法:僅有立即啟動情形能引發啟動效果符合短暫激發的理論,而解歧傾向低頻率結果結構的逆頻率效應為隱性學習的特徵。The study aimed to understand the mechanisms of Chinese second language learners’ comprehension by investigating how they interpreted phrases that were ambiguous between SVO and resultatives on structural priming without verb repetition. Two experiments for learners using a sentence-picture matching task were used to examine whether prime type, verb frequency and lag influenced structural priming, and one lag experiment for native speakers as a contrast. The results indicated that learners’ tendency to interpret an ambiguous target sentence in the same type with a prime sentence was weak in no-lag condition and not found in lag condition. On the other hand, native speakers’ comprehension on ambiguous sentences was unaffected by prime type. The similarities between Chinese learners’ and speakers’ performances were (a) that the frequency of verbs did not affect priming, (b) that no priming effect occurred in lag condition, and (c) that the proportion of resultatives was higher than that of SVOs in target sentences regardless of prime type. These suggested that learners and speakers may comprehend SVO-resultative ambiguous sentences in the same way which involved rules of composing resultative verb compounds. However, owing to a gap in grasping the rules or different linguistic experience, native speakers comprehended significantly more resultatives. In conclusion, a multi-factorial account, in which residual activation operated short-term priming with implicit learning led to sensitivity to less-preferred structure could explain the patterns of the results.中文二語句法啟動歧義句結果結構語言理解Chinese second languagestructural primingambiguityresultativescomprehension中文二語者在句法啟動上的歧義句理解Priming Syntactic Ambiguity Resolution during Comprehension among Chinese Second Language Learners學術論文