邱銘心Chiu, Ming-Hsin陳倩瑩Chen, Chien-Ying2019-08-282019-01-012019-08-282018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0099153111%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88988隨著網路科技之蓬勃發展,民眾已習慣利用網路來得知健康相關資訊。由於社會性問答服務系統提供使用者以自己語言提出問題,並可匿名參與之機制,故消費者常利用社會性問答平台來取得健康資訊。本研究以Yahoo 奇摩知識+為研究場域,蒐集1500則「醫療保健」類提問文本,以內容分析法分析消費者之健康資訊需求描述中所使用的詞彙,以瞭解消費者健康資訊需求之表達概念、內容結構及其書寫形式。研究者以開放性編碼標計17,132筆描述詞彙,從中萃取97個特徵,依相似性歸納為16個屬性及四大範疇,分別為「疾病症狀相關資訊」、「醫療相關資訊」、「背景資訊」及「提問者回答期待」。其中「疾病症狀相關資訊」範疇分為「疾病症狀描述」屬性及「時間」屬性;「醫療相關資訊」範疇分為「治療資訊」、「提問時機」、「人員角色」、「就診資訊」、「檢測資訊」及「經濟負擔」等6類屬性;「背景資訊」範疇則包括有「事件情境」、「個人資訊」、「情緒」、「地域性」、「人際關係」及「資訊來源」等6類屬性;「提問者回答期待」範疇包括「答案內容期待」及「誘因及互動」等2類屬性。 研究結果顯示在健康資訊提問中,消費者提及「疾病症狀」與「治療」描述詞彙佔最高比例且不諱於提及背景資訊,尤以事件情境及個人背景佔最大宗;健康資訊來源管道則以他人傳聞最多,較少因閱讀專業書籍或文獻後,覺得困惑而向社會性問答服務平台求助。在回答期待部份,最期待獲得相似經驗或親身經歷。內容結構上,約57%之篇幅字數在80字內,將近8成之提問未使用補充功能,若有使用也以使用1次居多;在書寫形式上,有5成提問使用禮儀語氣如「請」、「謝謝」、「對不起」等;最常發生「標點符號錯誤」,其次則為「錯漏字」,亦有「內容重述提問」、使用「副語言」、「口語化」及「借代詞」等情形。本研究結果可提供健康資訊社會問答服務平台經營者、健康資訊網站經營者及醫療人員或相關單位等,做為更新系統功能、平台介面或衛教指引之參考。With the rapid development of Internet technology, people become used to collect health-related information by Internet. Social Q&A services allow people ask question in their own language and provide a place where people can participate anonymously, therefore consumer often use social Q&A platforms to obtain health information. This research used Yahoo! Answer Taiwan as the research field and collected 1,500 health-related questions in 2012, and analyzed the vocabulary; words and phrases used in the consumer's health information needs description by content analysis to understand their hidden concept, content structure and writing style. The researchers extracted 17,132 descriptive vocabularies with open codes, and extracted 97 features from the similarity into 16 attributes and four categories, named "disease-related information", "medical related information", "background information” and "askers’ expectation of the answer". The results indicated that in the health information inquires, consumers mentioned that the "disease symptoms" and "treatment" related information accounted for the highest proportion. People are not afraid to mention background information, especially in terms of event situation and personal background. The health information source of the questioner is the most common among others, and it is less likely to turn to the social Q&A service platform after reading professional books or literature. In askers’ expectation of answer, they expect to get similar experience or personal experience. In terms of content structure, about 57% of the number of words is less than 80 words. Nearly 80% of the questions are not used for supplementary function. If they use it, often use once. In writing, 50% of the queries focus on etiquette such as "please", "thank you", "sorry", etc. ; "Punctuation errors" occur most often, followed by"errata or missing words", "content retelling questions", "sub-language", "spoken language" and " synecdoche” ,etc. The results of this study provide health information social Q&A services platform operators, health information website operators and medical personnel or related units as a reference for updating system functions, platform interfaces or health education guidelines.消費者健康資訊社會性問答服務健康資訊需求Consumer Health InformationSocial Q&A ServiceHealth Information Needs社會性問答服務系統之消費者健康資訊使用者提問分析Consumer Health Information Inquiries Analysis of Social Q&A Service System