李勤岸Li Khinhuann莊謹如Chuang Chin-ru2019-08-292012-7-72019-08-292012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0097262106%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/93243陳清忠生長在一個信仰基督教長老會的家庭裡,在孩提時代,就從西洋傳教士那兒,學習到西方文明的知識。當他到日本就讀同志社大學英文系,接觸到西洋文學,感受到西方國家的強盛,是來自於文明智識的力量。 陳清忠學成歸國後,就回母校淡水中學教授英文。他在運動、音樂、教育與文學翻譯方面均有卓越的成就,例如:引進橄欖球活動、成立男子四聲重唱團,還創辦北部教會報《芥菜子》。 陳清忠瞭解只有教育社會大眾、開啟民智,社會才會進步,因此,他創辦教會報,除了傳遞教會的消息,還刊登許多翻譯作品和白話文學作品。許多與他有相同理念的知識份子,就在報紙上發表文章:宣傳聖經教義以及介紹國外的新知。 白話字因為簡單易學,對家境不好無法上學的人,可以有機會學習知識。而《芥菜子》裡都是白話字的文章,因此台灣民眾可以藉由閱讀來獲得文明的智識。白話字成為啟蒙民智以及接受西方新思維的工具。 西方的知識與文學,扮演著啟蒙大眾的角色,因此陳清忠希望翻譯的活動成為開啟社會民智的催化劑。於是他翻譯了莎士比亞的《威尼斯商人》、狄更斯的《聖誕歌》以及喬叟所寫的《坎特伯里故事》其中一個故事等等。陳清忠可算是台灣目前所知的第一個台語翻譯作家。 因此,當論及台灣文學時,我們應該以新的角度來探討白話字文學與陳清忠台語翻譯文學的成就,以期白話字文學在台灣文學史上重新定位。Tân Chheng-tiong (陳清忠) grew up in a Christian Presbyterian family﹒And in childhood﹐he learned the knowledge of Western civilization from the Western missionaries﹒Studying in the English Department of Doshisha University in Japan﹐He read a lot of Western literature and felt that the power of the prosperity of the Western countries came from the knowledge of civilization﹒ After he studied abroad, Tân Chheng-tiong (陳清忠) taught English in his alma mater“Tām-chuí Tiong-o̍h (淡水中學)”﹒He had outstanding achievements in sports, music, education, and literary translation. For example,he Introduced“Rugby Football”to students of high school﹐established“glee club (男子四聲重唱團)”and founded North Church News“KOÀ-CHHÀI CHÍ (芥菜子)”﹒ Tân Chheng-tiong (陳清忠) understood that the public should be educated﹐and then the public knowledge of the enlightenment would made great progress in Taiwanese society﹒He founded North Church News“KOÀ-CHHÀI CHÍ (芥菜子)”﹐which not only delivered the messages of the Church, but also published many translations and“Pe̍h-oē-jī,POJ (白話字)”articles﹒Many intellectuals who had the same philosophy with Tân Chheng-tiong (陳清忠)﹒They published articles in the newspaper to publicize the Bible doctrine﹐and introduced advanced knowledge of foreign countries in addition﹒ Because“Pe̍h-oē-jī (白話字)”was easy to learn﹐the people﹐who were born in the poor families and could not go to school﹐had the opportunity to acquire knowledge by“Pe̍h-oē-jī (白話字)”﹒And these translations and articles in“KOÀ-CHHÀI CHÍ (芥菜子)” were written in“Pe̍h-oē-jī (白話字)”﹐therefore Taiwanese people acquire mordern knowledge by reading“KOÀ-CHHÀI CHÍ (芥菜子)”﹒“Pe̍h-oē-jī (白話字)”became a tool of writing to enlighten the public﹐and accepting the new thinking of Western modernization﹒ Western knowledge and literature played the role of enlightening the public﹐thus Tân Chheng-tiong (陳清忠) hoped translation activities as a catalyst to civilize many of Taiwanese people﹒He translated Shakespeare's《The Merchant of Venice》、Dickens's《Christmas carols》、one of story Chaucer's《The Canterbury Tales》and 〈The Piece of String〉of Guy de Maupassant﹒He could be regarded as the first Taiwanese translation writer﹒ Mentioning Taiwan literature﹐we should discuss the achievements of“Pe̍h-oē-jī (白話字)”literature and Taiwanese translated literature of Tân Chheng-tiong (陳清忠) from a new perspective and his contribution of“Pe̍h-oē-jī (白話字)”literature in the history of Taiwan literature﹒ Key Words: “Pe̍h-oē-jī,POJ”、“Pe̍h-oē-jī”literature 、Taiwanese translated literature 、“KOÀ-CHHÀI CHÍ”、North Church News 、Tân Chheng-tiong 、Rugby Football 、glee club白話字白話字文學台語翻譯文學《芥菜子》北部教會報陳清忠橄欖球合唱團“Pe̍h-oē-jīPOJ”“Pe̍h-oē-jī”literatureTaiwanese translated literature“KOÀ-CHHÀI CHÍ”North Church NewsTân Chheng-tiongRugby Footballglee club白話字作家陳清忠與其創辦的《芥菜子》“Pe̍h-oē-jī”Writer Tân Chheng-tiong (陳清忠) And North Church News“KOÀ-CHHÀI CHÍ (芥菜子)”