國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所錢善華陳昭珍2015-07-032015-07-032008/03-20http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/73303台灣原住民的音樂生活以歌唱為主體,其歌謠內容之豐富,實為台灣本土文化之重要瑰寶。本計畫以台灣原住民族中,達悟(雅美)族與魯凱族歌謠為主軸,加上第一期未完成之部分阿美族歌謠,進行田野採集之檔案數位化工作。達悟(雅美)族歌謠方面,由本計畫主持人錢善華教授提供,於民國66-67 年間所採集之,達悟(雅美)族一整年各項歲時祭儀之完整歌謠。歌曲範圍從古老的主屋落成、新船下水到一般日常生活,如心情感想抒發、口傳歷史故事、敘事歌、搖籃歌、情歌等,音樂內容非常豐富。此份採集包含達悟(雅美)族的各種音樂的全貌,曲目資料兼具多樣性與豐富性,從整體田野資料的份量及內容來看,無疑是目前台灣蘭嶼音樂採集工作者時間最長,採集數量最多的。而現今會唱蘭嶼歌謠的達悟族人已不多,甚至有漸漸消逝的現象,為保存及記錄這些具有其文化與語言的歌謠,實應儘速進行數位典藏之工作。 魯凱族歌謠部分,為延續第一期計畫與洪國勝先生之合作,由洪先生提供魯凱族傳統童謠74首。曲目目前已由高雄市台灣山地文化研究會整理出版,資料豐富完整但皆未數位化,其中樂譜部分皆為本計畫總主持人錢善華教授親自採譜,兩人已有十年以上的合作經驗,期望未來能將各族採集之歌謠全面數位化,希冀達到保存與推廣台灣原住民音樂之目的。 阿美族歌謠部分,亦為延續第一期計畫與林道生教授之合作,由林教授提供阿美族歌謠60 首。林道生教授長期居住於東部地區,對台灣阿美族歌謠有深入的研究經驗, 並參與多項台灣原住民音樂研究之研究計畫,經驗豐富,其50 多年來收集的阿美族歌 謠音樂資料著實珍貴,應儘快以數位化方式保存。 執行團隊結合音樂、圖書資訊,與影音工程領域之學者專家。包含由國立臺灣師範大學黃均人教授負責的音樂學院「音樂數位典藏中心」、國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所所長暨圖書館館長,陳昭珍教授、成功大學蘇文鈺老師、以及顧問林道生教授及洪國勝先生。本計畫除了結合在音樂數位典藏方面的專業領域外,本計畫顧問林教授與洪先生兩位,對於研究台灣原住民音樂方面有相當豐富的經驗與歷練,長期從事與原住民相關工作領域,相信第二期計畫延續與此二位之共同參與,其研究成果必定相當豐碩。 為了使本計畫的成果能更加完善,運用加值方面,二期計畫亦延續前期之構想。除了將原住民歌謠作數位化保存外,並期望能將研究成將成果製作成音樂教育教材,提供台灣原住民歌謠教學參考。此外,二期計畫中,特請國立台灣師範大學音樂系蕭慶瑜副教授共同參與此計畫。希望借重蕭教授之作曲專業,協助改編原住民歌謠,應用於合唱或歌曲教學,讓原住民音樂能藉由音樂教育的推廣,達到保存與傳承的目的。 本計畫的主要目的為: 一、將錢善華、洪國勝,與林道生所提供之田野採集音樂、樂譜建立完整詮釋資料。 二、採集原住民歌謠製作樂譜,並將(樂譜)靜態與(音樂)動態資料作高規格圖像、 影像以及聲音之數位化紀錄。 三、建立屬於台灣原住民音樂之影音網站。 四、將計畫研究成果製作成教學之教材,為台灣音樂教育提供更豐富的教學資料。 五、將計畫研究成果作為未來作曲家創作本土音樂的創作元素,將本土音樂藝術化,期 望能讓大家對台灣原住民音樂有更深入的認識。The Beauty of Indigenous Music II, Digital Music Archive Project for Tao (Yami) and Lukai The government in Taiwan now officially recognizes 13 tribes among the indigenous community. This project is focused on folk songs of Tao(Yami) and Lukai. For the Tao folk songs, Professor Shan-Hua Chien provides his collection of 14 cassette tapes which he has collected at 1977-78 when he was a high school teacher there. It includes all kinds of Tao songs for the different festivals in the whole year; these songs might be the most complete collection of Tao folk songs by far, to digitalize these songs is the main goal of this project. For the Lukai folk songs, Mr. Guo-Shen Hong provides 74 pieces which were collated by Kaohsiung City Taiwan Mountain Culture Association. The said Lukai collection is abundant and intact, but not yet digitalized. The music scores of the Lukai collection were transcribed by the project leader, Professor Shan-Hua Chien. Mr. Hong and Prof. Chien have worked together for more than ten years. We hope that the folk song collection of every tribe in Taiwan will be digitalized in order to achieve the goal of preserve and popularize Taiwan indigenous peoples’ music. In addition, we continued with the earlier project, to add more than 60 Amis songs in our repertoire by cooperate with Prof. Daw-Shen Lin, to do more field trips of Amis music to make his collection of Amis music from over 50 years more fruitful. The executive team comprises two units: the Digital Archival Documents Center of The School of Music, National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), led by Dr. Chun-Zen Huang; the Graduate Instituve of Library and information studies, led by Dr. Tsao-Jen Chen. Advisors will be co-project leader Prof. Lin and Mr. Hong. In order to perfect our goals, Ms Hsiao, Chin-Yu, Associate Professor in the Music Department in NTNU, is also co-leading the project. Her expertise in music composition will help us create and develop new music works for teaching materials for the Taiwan indigenous peoples’ music. The main goals of this project: 1. To establish complete interpretation information of the collections of Prof. Chien, Prof. Lin and Mr. Hong. 2. To digitalize still images (music scores) and videos and recordings into high resolution files. 3. To establish a website for Taiwan indigenous peoples’ music. 4. Converting the results into teaching materials; providing more educational resources for the indigenous music education in Taiwan. 5. Provides innovation elements for composers in Taiwan, to use the traditional indigenous materials to compose new music, to let everybody understand more about indigenous music.原住民音樂達悟族雅美族魯凱族阿美族Indigenous MusicTaoYamiLukaiAmis原音之美(Ⅱ)---達悟(雅美)族與魯凱族歌謠數位典藏計畫The Beauty of Indegenous Music Ii---The Digital Music Archive Project for Tao (Yami) and Lukai People