陳詩絨Shih-Rong Chen2014-10-272014-10-272013-04-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/15673本研究之目的在於從多元面向了解泰北圖書館事業,包括泰北圖書館的發展歷史和泰北圖書館的發展現況,一則希望能引起臺灣對泰北圖書館事業的興趣,從事比較圖書館學的研究,二則希望能提供給未來前往泰北從事圖書館服務的青年志工參考。因此提出兩個研究問題:泰北圖書館事業有哪些發展歷史?泰北圖書館事業的發展現況為何?本研究採質化研究方法,對泰北圖書館的發展歷史以歷史文獻分析法分析,對泰北圖書館事業的發展現況以歷史文獻法、實地觀察法,及焦點小組訪談法收集及分析資料,構成三角檢驗法的三種資料來源,檢驗資料的一致性與相關性。本研究結果為:(一)泰北圖書館事業的發展歷史,由泰國圖書館事業的歷史軌跡來探索過去泰北圖書館事業的發展源流,可得知泰國的圖書館事業始於泰北,並且泰國圖書館事業發展可明顯化分為初始化、現代化,及政策化三個時期;(二)泰北圖書館現況中,各類型圖書館不若泰中豐富。泰國國家圖書館清邁分館為泰北唯一的國家圖書館,然而,泰國國家圖書館清邁分館的館藏及服務對象均有公共圖書館化的現象。The purpose of this study is to understand the librarianship in Northern Thailand from diverse aspects, including library development history in Northern Thailand and current status of librarianship in Northern Thailand. This understanding would enhance the interests of future volunteers who would devote to library service in Northern Thailand. This study aims to answer the following two research questions. Firstly, what is the library development history in Northern Thailand? Secondly, what is the current status of librarianship in Northern Thailand? This study takes qualitative research approach, including historical document analysis, filed observation, and focus group interview. Historical document analysis is applied to discover the development history of librarianship in Northern Thailand. Additionally, history document analysis, field observation, and focus group interview are adopted to collect and analyse materials to answer the current library status in Northern Thailand. These three research methods are used as three different sources for triangulation purpose to verify consistency and relevance within data to improve the quality of the study. The results of the study are as follows. Firstly, the development history in Northern Thailand could be tracked from Thailand’s library history, which reveals that the beginning of Thailand’s library history is from Northern Thailand. Except that, Thailand’s library history could be split into three developing periods: initial period, modern period, and policy period. Secondly, fewer types of libraries are found in Northern Thailand than in Central Thailand. Meanwhile, there are two universities in Northern Thailand both providing LIS bachelor and master degrees. And Thai Library Association (TLA) is considered as the official library representative of Thai government.泰國泰北圖書館事業ThailandNorthern ThailandLibrary Development泰北圖書館事業發展之研究Library Development in Northern Thailand