國立臺灣師範大學社會教育學系黃靖惠2014-10-302014-10-302003-12-011726-3581http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/33922本文以臺灣學者對閱聽人的研究為例,探討社會學對大眾傳播學的啟發。文章首先指出社會學與大傳學共同關切媒體文、機構及閱聽人,接著析論閱聽人研究對社會學各學派的應用。分析發現,研究最常引用結構功能、衝突、社會變遷等理論,而呼應了社會學思潮的流變。此外,研究層面擴大,跳脫主流的傳播研究。最後,共同焦點為閱聽人的主體慌對各理論則予以支持或否證。社會學之啟示因此在於研究層面的多樣性及對閱聽人主體性的辯證。This paper aims to explore the contributions of sociology to communication studies, using Taiwanese scholars’ research as examples. It begins with a review of the similarities between sociology and mass communication research and explores the common connections in media texts, organizations, and audiences. It then analyzes how audience studies have been inspired by various theories of sociology. The analyses indicate that Functionalism, Conflict Theory, and Evolution Perspectives have been the major resources, and the shift of theory origins appearing in audience research has echoed the development of sociology. Furthermore, research scope has broadened to encompass issues that have not been explored by mainstream communication studies. Finally, most studies have focused on audiences’ subjectivity, but they have shown different results, some supporting and yet some opposing theories of sociology. To conclude, the insights derived from sociology are presented in both the broadening of research scope and the dialects concerning audiences’ subjectivity.大眾傳播學社會學閱聽人Theories of mass communicationSociologyAudience社會學對媒體閱聽人研究之啟示The Insights Derived from Sociology by Mass Communication Research on Audiences