國立臺灣師範大學台灣語文學系林淑慧2016-01-122016-01-122013-06-011027-6483http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/76282離開熟悉的土地到異地之際,為一種「非常」的暫時生活樣態,因而重新思索自己的位置。空間移動的書寫顯現作者對異地的認知,因巡臺御史身分職務特殊,如此從中央到「邊陲」的巡行機會,使其論述多著重於采錄風俗及治理建言的面向。本文應用故宮博物院收藏之月摺檔、宮中檔、諭旨,中央研究院典藏之內閣大庫檔案、中國第一歷史檔案館的官方行政公文,同時從《臺灣文獻叢刊》、《臺灣文獻匯刊》蒐羅研究素材。探討巡臺御史的詩文再現臺灣哪些風土民情?他們所撰寫的奏摺與檔案等論述提供中央何種訊息?這些書寫又建構哪些寫實與想像,而成為藉以遠端遙控的媒介?本文從御史的視察經驗與書寫台灣原住民視角兩大面向進行詮釋。期望藉由探討他們觀看臺灣的視角,以及空間移動經驗的書寫,呈現巡臺御史的論述策略。While leaving homeland for the alien world, travelers usually experience ”unusual” transient living conditions and are consequently inspired to explore their state of mind again. Writings of spatial movements reveal the authors' understandings of the new territories. The system of dispatching Imperial Senior Government Inspectors to Taiwan provided these officials opportunities to travel in Taiwan, the bordering area of the empire; therefore, these traveling officials left many writings concerning Taiwan and imperial dialogues of their time, which were later compiled in documents passed down from the Qing Government. The dissertation will apply the documents mentioned above. The applied will come from MonthlyMemorials, Palace Memorials, and Imperial Edicts collected in National Palace Museum, also from The Grand Secretariat Archives collected by Academia Sinica. Further resources from the official executive documents collected by Zhongguo di 1 lishi dang'anguan and many other digital archives. At the same time, more research materials about time background and collect-folk poetry and prose will also be collected from Taiwan Literature Series and The Periodical of Taiwan Literature.The project aims to resolve the following questions: How did Imperial Senior Government Inspectors, writings represent customs and cultures in Taiwan? What kinds of messages were conveyed to the imperial government through their imperial phraseology in the documents and memorials? What kinds of alien imaginations did these travel writings construct, and thus become the medium and references of the central authorities' remote-controlled operations on Taiwan? There are two primary research directions based on the writings: the inspection experiences of these Imperial Senior Government Inspectors and officials' perspectives about the aborigines in Taiwan. By exploring the writings of Senior Government Inspectors, the research expects to present the Imperial Senior Government Inspectors' perspectives on Taiwan and the connection between spatial movements and culture contexts.巡臺御史帝國之眼論述治臺政策再現Senior Government InspectorsImperial EyesDiscoursePolicies on TaiwanRepresentation觀看海外邊陲:巡臺御史的論述策略Watching Overseas Border: The Discourse Strategies of Imperial Senior Government Inspectors to Taiwan