潘淑滿Pan, Shu-Man蔡嘉畇Tsai, Jia-Yun2019-08-282022-08-292019-08-282017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060038015F%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85965同志運動近年蓬勃發展,今年憲法法庭大法官判決至遲2年同志伴侶即可結婚,然而除了立法之外,實際常民生活的處境更為重要,過去研究發現同志向原生家庭現身相對不易,可知合法化之外,同志亦期待能大方向家人現身及獲得真心接納。故本研究旨在瞭解女同志向手足現身經驗,雙方曾遭遇的困境與調適經歷,且進一步探討手足在女同志向雙親現身過程扮演的角色。採質性研究方法,邀請5對女同志及其已現身手足受訪,並涵蓋男與女及年長與年幼等不同手足特性之搭配。 研究結果首先發現向家中不同角色現身經驗應分開來檢示,手足相對雙親更加容易,女同志本身正向的認同以及對手足接受程度的考量皆是助力,至於現身手足的挑選,則可以發現關係遠近以及年齡大小差距為考量因素。其次,調適經驗,研究則概分出現身前(覺察)、現身後(首次證實、初始階段、轉念過後)等階段,不同階段沒有明確的劃分。最終,手足在同志親屬現身過程雖沒有扮演積極協助的角色,卻充分展現手足次系統間互助的重要性,亦能夠適時提供雙親情感上的支持。 研究並分別對實務工作者、女同志及同志親屬提出建議,不同角色都必須覺察個體受傳統固有價值的侷限,透過積極性教育以及持續性溝通來達到相互理解狀態,以真正落實性別平等社會。Homosexual activities are developing vigorously in recent years. This year chief justice at the Constitutional Court has decreed that homosexual couples can get married in two years the latest. However, in addition to relevant legislative affairs, actual situation of ordinary living should take priority in our consideration. In the past, we have discovered that LGBTs see it difficult to come out to their family members compared to other people. This makes us understand that in addition to providing legal rights to them, LGBTs also expect to be able to reveal themselves in front of their family members and accepted by them. This is why this research aims to understand actual experiences of lesbians revealing themselves to their siblings, difficulties experienced by both sides as well as experiences in adjustment. This research further explores roles of siblings play during the process of lesbians come out to their parents. The research has adopted qualitative approach and invited five pairs of lesbians and their respective siblings to be interviewed, with consideration on matches of male and female, age, and other different characteristics. Research results reveal first of all that different revealing experiences of lesbians come out to different family members should be examined separately. Revealing in front of siblings is easier than parents. Positive recognition of lesbians themselves and degrees of their acceptances of siblings are all contributing factors. As for selection of siblings, consideration should be taken on affinity in their relationship and age differences. Secondly, research on adjusting experiences should be divided into stages such as before revealing (discovering), after revealing (first-time confirmation, primitive stage, and after reconsideration). There is no clear demarcation among different stages. Finally, while siblings have not played an active contributing role in the revealing process, they have fully demonstrated the importance of mutual cooperation in sibling sub-system, which has provided emotional support to parents. The research has offered suggestions of actual social workers, lesbians as well as family members of lesbians separately. Playing different roles, they are advised to examine yokes of traditional and existing values experienced by individuals. Mutual understand should be achieved through active educational approaches and persistent communication, with the goal of bringing about an equal society among different sexes.女同志同性戀現身手足關係lesbianhomosexualcome outrevealingsibling relationships一生的羈絆~女同志向手足現身後之關係協商與調適The dynamically interrelated adjustments of the relationship after lesbian come out to the sibling.