郝永崴Hao, Yung-Wei陳俊安Chen, Chun-An2023-12-082022-07-252023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/ee11556996693ab8804dbaa5c88047e8/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119441本研究旨在探討概念為本的網路探究,融入國中九年級地理科<臺灣的地名文化>單元之教學歷程,探討研究者在教學過程中所遇到的問題與解決辦法、實施後學生的學習心得與學習成果,以及研究者在教學專業的省思與成長。研究主要參與對象為新北市某國中九年級學生29位學生。研究重視教育工作者的實務改進,故採取行動研究法,行動歷程分為三個循環,共計6堂課。透過教學省思札記、觀課紀錄表、訪談錄音檔、教學錄影檔以及課程學習單進行分析。研究結果發現國中九年級地理科<臺灣的地名文化>單元實施概念為本的網路探究具可行性,而學生對於概念為本的網路探究過程持正向回饋,且有助於培養學生核心素養能力。此外,也有助於教師在教學層次上從「教知識」提升到「教概念理解」。最後,本研究根據上述研究結果,對教學者以及未來研究提出相關建議。The purpose of this research is to explore the concept-based WebQuest, integrated into the teaching process of the ninth grade geography unit<Taiwan's place name culture>, to explore the problems and solutions encountered by researchers in the teaching process, and students' learning experience and learning outcomes after implementation, as well as the researcher’s reflection and growth in the teaching profession. The main participants in this study were 29 students in the ninth grade of a middle school in New Taipei City. The research attaches great importance to the practical improvement of educators, so the action research methodis adopted, and the action course is divided into three cycles with a total of 6 lessons. Through the teaching reflection notes, class observation records, interview recording files, teaching video files and course work sheets for analysis. The results indicated that it is feasible to implement concept-based inquiry-based teaching in the ninth-grade geography subject<Taiwan's Place Names and Culture> unit, and the students have positive feedback on the concept-based inquiry-based teaching process, which is helpful to cultivate the students' core competencies. In addition, it also helps the teacher to upgrade from "teaching knowledge" to "teaching conceptual understanding" at the teaching level. Finally, based on the above results, this study puts forward relevant suggestions for teachers and future research.概念為本網路探究地理教學concept-basedWebQuestgeography teaching概念為本的網路探究融入國中地理教學之行動研究Action Research of Concept-Based WebQuest Integrated in Junior High School Geography Instructionreport_pro