蔡芷芬Tsai Chih-Fen喬西Jose Miguel Tavares Rodrigues Pereira2020-12-10不公開2020-12-102013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699600421%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115545本論文之宗旨為分析本人之美術作品中的概念,思想及被影響之來源,而上述都將反映在最終的作品中。 論文大致上顯示及分析的皆無絕對的對錯,只是個人主觀的見解及看法,因此根據不同審視作品的人,也會有不同的看法。 本論文的重點在於研究那些與我的作品產生關聯,甚至影響的美術家(畫家和電影導演),以及他們的作品。 首先,我會考究他們在概念及技術上最主要的特點,並試著將這些想法顯示於我的作品當中。 在東方及西方的文化關系中,電影和代表性動作,以及存在主義, 卓越, 記憶,異化與隔離,以上的主題皆是影響我作品最主要的重點。 根據我個人作品進而分析內容不單只是敘述我個人的概念及想法,同時也是技術的一部分,更是關聯到所有不同的藝術與理念。The purpose of this thesis is to inform and analyze the concepts, ideas and influences in my painting work, and how all these are reflected in the making of the final works. It is, for its most part, an analysis and display of personal opinions. The ideas disclosed are neither right nor wrong; they are factual and merely right in the subjective sense that they can also be used to look at my own work. The thesis focused on surveying a series of artists (painters and movie directors) and their work, and the way they influence or are related to my own painting work, examining some of their main characteristics first, both conceptually and technically, and immediately after showing how they can be seen in my work. The relationship between eastern and western cultures, the influence of cinema and the representation of movement, as well as existential and transcendental themes of memory, alienation and isolation are the main key points. It follows with an analysis of my own painting work, describing not only my own conceptual approach but also the technical part, and how all these various arts and ideas relate to each other, from the conception to the final piece.不確定性電影動作記憶indeterminacycinemamovementmemory凝滯的移動_喬西.普雷拉創作論述A Frozen Motion-The discourse on artistic creation by Jose Pereira