黃啟祐洪敏程2019-09-04不公開2019-09-042010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0097702314%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98782近年來,隨著寬頻網路技術之蓬勃發展,消費者開始習慣透過網路傳送圖像或多媒體影片檔案,此趨勢也帶動市場對於如數位攝影機,網路攝影機等光學裝置的需求。為了滿足市場的需要,筆記型電腦品牌大廠如惠普(HP)、戴爾(DELL)、東芝(TOSHIBA)、以及宏碁(ACER)等公司,開始要求其代工製造商(ODMs),將攝影機模組整合內嵌到筆記型電腦中。因此,筆記型電腦內建攝影機模組的滲透率也隨之快速增加。雖然筆記型電腦內建攝影機模組已蔚然成為趨勢,然大多數筆記型電腦代工製造商因缺乏光學領域的知識,故無法訂定規格;因此,內建攝影機模組廠商往往需要提供相關光學裝置的基礎知識給筆記型電腦代工廠商,並且針對產品設計提供改善方式或吸取先進的技術,以提供可讓代工製造廠商滿足客戶(筆記型電腦品牌供應商)需求的規格與建議。故而,從各個面向去思考何種攝影機規格可以同時滿足代工製造廠(ODMs)以及終端使用者的需求,是攝影機模組供應商所面臨到最重要的問題。但因為一般的終端使用者通常不熟悉筆記型電腦內建攝影機模組的規格,所以攝影機模組廠商通常會根據其經驗與直覺判斷去定義攝影機產品規格。由於傳統的市場研究方法並不適合解決此類問題,而內建攝影機模組廠商憑其經驗或直覺定義模組亦可能造成問題。緣於以上的因素,若有一個適當的研究方法可用來解決規格定義的問題,將會對筆記型電腦內建攝影機模組廠商產生助益。因此,本研究主要針對解決以上所述內建攝影機模組規格訂定問題,導入混合式多準則決策(Hybrid Multiple Criteria Decision Making)為基礎之企業對企業先驅使用者法(Business to Business Lead User Method)。此混合式多準則決策研究法包含了決策實驗室分析法(DEMATEL Method)、分析網路程序法(ANP Method)、以及VIKOR Method。本研究首先以企業對企業先驅使用者法列出內建攝影機模組的評估準則;隨之以決策實驗室分析法,去建構整個決策問題的結構;之後再以分析網路程序法去獲取各個評估準則的權重;最終以VIKOR Method排序各種選擇方案的先後順序,並得出最佳的妥協解。本研究並以真實筆記型電腦內建攝影機模組設計專案實證可行。經驗證的混合式多準則決策為基礎之企業對企業先驅使用者法可被應用於攝影機產品規格制定,解決過去傳統市場研究方法所無法解決的問題。As the bandwidth of Internet booms in recent years, consumers are accustomed to transmit image and video multimedia files through the network. Therefore, demands for optical devices including the digital video camera, web camera, and IP camera, increased rapidly in the past decade. In order to fulfill such demands, the notebook (NB) brand vendors, such as HP, Dell, Toshiba, Acer, and so on, have started to request their original design manufacturers (ODMs) to integrate the camera modules into NBs. Accordingly, the diffusion rate of NBs with the built-in camera module increased rapidly. Although the NBs equipped with a built-in camera module is a mega trend and becomes the basic feature in the NB market, most NB ODMs which survey built-in camera modules from specific vendors, do not realize exactly what features they really need due to insufficient domain knowledge. Consequently, the built-in camera module vendors are required to offer NB ODMs fundamental knowledge about the optical devices as well as proposed solutions which can fulfill the needs of ODM customers (i.e., the NB brand vendors) by either improving the designs or by adopting better technologies. What features can fulfill ODM customers’ wants as well as end-users’ needs from all aspects are always the most significant problem for the built-in camera module vendors. Built-in camera module vendors usually define the specifications based on their intuition since end-users of NBs usually are not familiar with the specification of modules. Traditional market research approaches cannot be leveraged. However, the module vendors usually define built-in camera modules based on their intuitions, which could be misleading. For above reasons, an appropriate research method for camera module vendors to resolve the specification definition problem can be very useful. Therefore, this research aims to resolve the above mentioned camera module feature definition problems by introducing a hybrid Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) based business to business (B to B) Lead User Method (LUM) consisting of the Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory Method (DEMATEL Method), the Analytic Network Process Method (ANP Method), and the VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje Method (VIKOR Method). The evaluation criteria for a built-in camera module are first summarized by using the B to B LUM. After that, the DEMATEL method is introduced for deriving the structure of the decision problem. Furthermore, the ANP method is brought in to derive weights versus each criterion. Finally, the VIKOR method is launched to rank the alternatives and obtain the compromise solution. An empirical case based on a real-world NB built-in camera module design project is leveraged to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed hybrid MCDM based B to B LUM. This verified hybrid MCDM based B to B LUM can be applied on specification definitions of products which improves what the traditional market research approaches cannot be leveraged.內嵌式攝影機模組混合式多準則決策先驅使用者法決策實驗室分析法分析網路程序法VIKORBuilt-in camera moduleMultiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM)Lead User Method (LUM)Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL)Analytic Network Process (ANP)VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR)以混合式多準則決策為基礎之企業對企業先驅使用者法定義內嵌式攝影機模組規格A Hybrid MCDM Based Business to Business Lead User Model for Built-in Camera Module Specification Definitions