王麗雲徐銘璟Hsu Ming-Ching2019-08-282012-12-112019-08-282012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697000108%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90178本研究旨在探討芬蘭師資培育制度,結合文獻分析、文件分析與訪談法等三種研究方法來瞭解芬蘭師資培育發展與現況,其中師資培育現況分為五大面向來加以說明,包含師資生甄選、職前教育課程、教育實習、教師資格取得與教師甄選,其研究發現如下: 一、 培養以研究為基礎的教師。 二、 有計畫性控管師資生的人數和品質。 三、 師資生必須修畢碩士學位課程。 四、 每間師資培育大學設有專屬的教師訓練學校,且每年實施實 習課程。 五、 完成碩士學位,即取得教師資格。 六、 教職市場呈現平衡狀態。 根據本研究之發現,歸納出芬蘭師資培育的特色如下: 一、 有計畫性地培育師資生。 二、 兼顧優秀的能力和教師人格特質。 三、 以實務研究為本的師資培育。 四、 彈性地師資培育課程。 五、 重視教育學知識。 六、 力行實作精神。 七、 強調反省性思考。 基於上述研究發現與討論,闡發對我國師資培育的些許啟示如下: 一、 吸引優秀的人才。 二、 宜規劃長遠的師資培育政策。 三、 建立以實務研究為基礎的職前教育。 四、 建立彈性且完善地師資培育課程結構。 五、 儘早實施教育實習,建立輔導教師機制。The purpose of this study is to examine teacher education system in Finland and discuss its implications for Taiwan’s teacher education. Specific questions covered include the Finnish teacher education system, the recruitment of teacher students, teacher education program, and the apprenticeship stage. To address the research interests mentioned above, literature review, document analysis, interviews are used to collect information needed. The findings of this study are summarized as follows: 1. The quantity and quality of student teachers are carefully monitored and controlled. 2. Research-based education constitutes the main feature of Finnish teacher education. 3. Teachers are required to have master degrees. The program of teacher education emphasizes a lot on reflective thinking, problem-solving, research skill, making it different from other teacher education program. 4. Teacher training schools and universities work closely to provide quality teacher apprenticeship experiences for their student teacher during the teacher education process. 5. Teacher qualifications are awarded towards those who finish teacher education program. As to the implications for Taiwan, it is suggested that the state needs to establish stable teacher education policy and recruit capable students to teacher education program. The curriculum of the teacher education program should emphasize the reflective and problem-solving abilities of the students and incorporate research-based training. The design of apprenticeship needs to evoke students’ understanding of themselves , the knowledge and skills they learn in teacher education program, and real world of teaching so that they can be better prepared for the job as teachers.芬蘭師資培育制度Finlandteacher education芬蘭師資培育制度之研究