沈六2014-10-272014-10-272004-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/30247本文在於研究文化心理學從各學科間探究文化脈絡對人類道德發展的影響,以及道德認知發展論的限制,藉以分析是非判斷之文化上的差異;並從文化脈絡,探求道德與成規命令的一致性;且探究道德與成規事項之間的差異能夠實質預測的可能性;又瞭解文化道德化的可能性,尚探究兒童自發地區展出他們自己的道德原則的可能性;最後並探求道德規範的普遍性和文化特殊性的內涵。The relevance for the study of moral development is especially highlighted by the continuing controversy within philosophy, psychology, and other social sciences over whether morality has a universal core. The study of morality within a developmental framework studies of change within the life cycle, provides a particular opportunity to address the universality-particularity question. This article is to explore the moral development form the views of cultural psychology. The conclusions are as following: (1)there are cultural difference in judgments about what is right and what is wrong; (2)social practices and institutions are usually perceived as part of the natural-moral order of things by most natives; (3)the idea of objective moral obligation may be more widely distributed than the idea of convention; (4)the idea of morality may be ontogenetically prior to the idea of convention; (5)the distinction between moral and conventional events can be predicted on substantive ground; (6)there is something about certain events, for example, food, clothing, that makes them resistant to moralization; (7)there is no universal agreement among children around the world about what is morally right or wrong; (8)young children do spontaneously develop their own moral code; (9)the distinction between conventional and moral obligations is not a developmental universal; (10)there are no fundamental differences from culture to culture in the ideal from of a rationally lased moral code.文化心理學道德發展普遍性特殊性文化脈絡認知發展社會互動社會溝通文化心理學的道德發展論The Moral Developmental Theory of the Cultural Psychology