董秀蘭蔡銘宇Tsai Ming Yu2019-08-282012-8-122019-08-282012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696070106%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88602近年來,無論國際或臺灣社會,對於原住民族權利的相關議題討論甚豐。臺灣是個多元文化社會,但各文化卻沒有均衡發展,抑或對於所屬文化無基本的認同或支持。文化認同問題成為國際重視的焦點,文化權也成為國際人權重視的保障範疇。因此,臺灣原住民族如何使原住民族的文化擁有發聲的空間,獲得肯認與尊重,進而提升原住民族的文化認同,實為原住民族文化公民權推展的重要目標。 本研究希冀藉原住民族教師的觀點提出臺灣原住民族文化公民權的內涵及其可能面對的挑戰,並歸納原住民族文化公民權的落實與實踐方向。本研究採質性研究取徑,透過深度訪談六位原住民族教師,瞭解與分析原住民族教師對文化公民權內涵的觀點,並與既有的相關理論文獻相互對照。研究結果發現,教師們認為文化公民權的核心內涵有三:以符號象徵權與協助權作為輔助權利的多元族群權,強調凝聚集體意志的特殊代表權,以及聚焦教育文化自主的自治權。此外,研究結果也指出臺灣原住民族文化公民權於臺灣社會所面臨的四大挑戰,包含原住民族文化認同的弱化、原住民族政策法令理念與社會實況的落差、現行教育制度對原住民族文化認同的影響、以及原住民族教師難以有效發揮文化傳承的橋樑角色功能。本研究最後藉由原住民族教師觀點,提出落實臺灣原住民族文化公民權的建議。In recent years, indigenous people’s rights related issues have been widely discussed both in Taiwan and in countries around the world. Taiwan is a multicultural society, but its cultures are without balanced development and sometimes the people may not even have basic recognition or support for their cultures. The issue of cultural recognition has drawn international attention, while cultural rights have also become the spotlight of global human rights. Hence, the promotion of indigenous cultural citizenship needs to emphasize on how Taiwan’s indigenous people retain a voice to ensure that their cultures are recognized and respected, so as to further enhance their cultural recognition. In this study, through the viewpoints of the indigenous teachers, the connotations of Taiwan’s indigenous cultural citizenship and the possible challenges faced were put forth. In addition, the direction for implementing and practicing the indigenous cultural citizenship were summarized. The qualitative approach was adopted in this study and in-depth interviews with six indigenous teachers were conducted to gain their insight on the connotations of cultural citizenship, which shall serve as a cross-reference for comparing literatures of existing theories. The results show that the teachers consider three dimensions as the core of cultural citizenship: symbolic claim and assistance rights that serve as the supporting rights of polyethnic rights, the special representative rights that emphasize on gathering the collective will, as well as the self–government rights that focus on educational and cultural autonomy. In addition, four main challenges pertaining to Taiwan indigenous cultural citizenship faced by the Taiwanese society were further pointed out. They are: the weakening of indigenous cultural recognition, the gap between the indigenous related policies and regulations and the actual social situation, the impact of the existing education system on indigenous cultural recognition, and the difficulties for indigenous teachers to serve as the bridge of cultural transmission. Finally, based on the indigenous teachers’ viewpoints, this study provides recommendations for further implementing and realizing Taiwan’s indigenous cultural citizenship.臺灣原住民族原住民族教師文化公民權Taiwan indigenous peopleindigenous teacherscultural citizenship臺灣原住民族教師對文化公民權的觀點Taiwanese Indigenous Teachers’ Viewpoint on Cultural Citizenship