黃馨慧Huang, Hsin-Hui蔡欣育Tsai, Hsin-Yu2019-08-282016-12-012019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0699060035%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86787臉書使用對青少年來說已是普遍的現象,而他們對身體外表更是高度關注的群體。因此,本研究旨在探討臉書使用對青少年身體意象關注之影響,以及臉書上有關身體外表比較是否在臉書使用與身體意象關注之間產生中介效果。本研究之臉書使用包含臉書使用時間、臉書好友數、臉書使用強度以及有關身體外表之臉書功能使用等四層面;而身體意象關注包含外表取向、體重過重之關注以及身高之關注等三層面。本研究採問卷調查法,以桃園市國中生為研究對象,透過立意取樣回收有效樣本共409份。本研究發現臉書使用會影響青少年身體意象關注的程度,並且會受臉書上有關身體外表比較之中介作用所影響。換言之,因為青少年會在臉書上與他人的身體外表作比較,所以當青少年花愈多時間使用臉書、有愈多臉書好友、對臉書情感投入的程度愈高,以及愈常使用有關身體外表之臉書功能的時候,將使得青少年更關注自己的身體外表。Use of social media, such as Facebook, is pervasive among adolescents. Body image concerns is also highy prevalent in this demographic. This present study explore the impact of facebook usage on body image concerns amonge junior high school students in Taoyuan city (N=409), and tested whether appearance comparisons on Facebook in general mediated this relationship. There are four dimensions for Facebook usage: the amount of time spent on Facebook, the number of Facebook friends, facebook intensity and about appearance functions of Facebook usage, and three dimensions for body image concerns: appearance orientation, overweight preoccupation and height preoccupation. The results showed Facebook usage is positive impact on adolescents’ body image concerns, which was mediated by appearance comparisons in general. Thus, adolescents who spent more time on Facebook, have more Facebook friends, have more intensity on Facebook and use more appearance functions of Facebook may feel more concerned about their body because they compare their body and appearance to others on Facebook.臉書身體意象關注青少年Facebookbody image concernsadolescents臉書使用對青少年身體意象關注影響之研究 ─以桃園市國中生為例The Impact of Facebook Usage on Adolescents’ Body Image Concerns -Take the Junior High School Students in Taoyuan City as Example