賴香菊Lai, Hsiang-chu余昶悌Yu, Chang-Ti2020-12-142019-10-302020-12-142019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0006594121%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/112006隨著高齡社會的來臨,在眾多樂齡商機中,唯獨樂齡時尚鮮少被探討;唯服飾不僅是基本的需求,更可因服飾帶來自信、活力與幸福感,對於樂齡族更是不可忽略,因此,本研究以探討樂齡時尚商機為主要目的。本研究根據生活型態、時尚涉入、消費行為三大面向,透過深度訪談法,了解樂齡族生活型態特色、對於時尚的看法及了解,以及對於服飾方面的消費行為模式,據以探索時尚產業樂齡商機。研究發現樂齡族生活以運動、休閒、聚會為主,Line是最普遍的網路社交工具。對於時尚以穿出個人品味為標的,對於購買服飾以喜歡及穿出個人特色為最主要考量,不拘泥於品牌,百貨公司為最普遍購買之處,都不在網路購買服飾。依據這些訪談結果,建議業者設計具獨特性、時尚性、休閒風的款式,以滿足樂齡族退休後的多元生活需要,並能透過多種穿搭方式讓消費族群能穿出個人時尚特色,此外,要讓顧客感受到高CP值。善選實體店地點加上吸引目標族群的故事行銷、廣告標語、體驗行銷與促銷活動規劃,同時透過虛擬通路加強KOL傳播。店內行銷部分,應注重櫥窗的陳列穿搭與視覺藝術,並注重教育訓練,加強店員的行銷話術與專業知識,以及為客人挑選衣服的能力。With the advent of the ageing society, in many business opportunities, only the ageing fashion is rarely explored. Clothing is not only a basic demand, but also brings confidence, vitality and happiness to the costumes. It is not negligible. Therefore, this study aims to explore the business opportunities of senior age. This study explores the life style characteristics of the senior citizens, and their perception and understanding of fashion, and the consumption behavior patterns of clothing through in-depth interviews. Then, based on the interview results, senior fashion business opportunities are explored. The study found that the life of senior citizens is dominated by sports, leisure and gatherings. Line is the most popular online social tool. They interpret fashion as to wear personal taste. For the purchase of clothing, to like and be able to show the personal characteristics are the most important consideration rather than stick to the brand. Department stores are the most common place to buy. They do not buy clothing online. Based on the results of these interviews, it is recommended that the operators design unique, fashionable and casual styles to meet the diverse needs of senior citizens after retirement, and to enable the consumer groups to wear personal fashion features through a variety of wearing methods. To let customers feel a high CP value is very important. To choose the location of the physical store plus the story marketing, advertising slogans, experience marketing and promotion planning to attract the target group, and strengthen the KOL communication through the virtual channel are several ways to enhance the “place” issue. In-store marketing, attention should be paid to the window display and visual art, and focus on education and training, strengthen the marketing skills and professional knowledge of the staff, and the ability to select clothes for the guests.樂齡商機消費行為時尚涉入樂齡生活樂齡服飾Senior business opportunitiesConsumer behaviorFashion involvementSenior lifeSenior clothing樂齡時尚商機探索An Exploration of the Opportunity of Senior Fashion Business