吳千華蔡卓翰2019-09-052004-8-52019-09-052004http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2004000189%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103505在電燈被發明那一刻起,夜間照明就成為人類生活中不可或缺的一部份,人類的發展也從此邁向新的紀元,但在享受夜間的光亮同時,曾幾何時以往夜間的寧靜已不復在,人工的光污染了夜間的景觀,但許多人的觀念還是停留在越亮越好的階段,如何去重塑夜間的景觀,是一個重要的課題。 本研究以街道燈具為主題,藉由對現有環境與業界的調查,配合相關資料的搜集與分析,發現空間設計對於燈具產品的設計有密切的關係,也逐漸了解目前夜間光環境的問題與燈具設計上的盲點。藉空間設計之分析、設計相關因素發展公共空間室外燈具設計產品。以期能創造出舒適的夜間光環境與燈具產品。Since the very moment electric light was invented, nighttime lighting has become an essential part of the human civilization advancing towards a new century. However, no longer do the tranquility and the serenity which used to be coming after sunset exist because of the light pollution while we human beings consult on our own convenience and advantages as the concept of lighting has been misdefined. Therefore, how to rebuild the nightscape turns out to be a significant mission. The research was made into street lantern design by collecting correlative environmental information and analyzing industrial established facts. As the result derives, how space design avail lantern design is confirmed. Besides, the blind spot in lantern designing and the Interco relation between the lightness and the environment are discovered. Therefore, the amenity in illuminant environment and perfect lantern products are ultimately possible because of the prospective future of lantern products created by the analytical space design.照明設計街道燈具產品設計街道燈具設計研究-以捷運北投站為例A Study on Design of the Street Luminance Design: Featuring the environment sample of Beitou MRT stations