陳美燕Chen, Mei-Yen蔡心怡TSAI, Hsin-Yi2023-12-082023-02-152023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/e914baac95c35008c78f77797399cfc0/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121480自從1984年洛杉磯奧運會首度提出「以奧運養奧運」的概念,利用運動行銷的方法,連結相關運動產業,成功的創造了空前的「奧運經濟」正向成長,進而開創了行銷奧運會的里程碑 (楊曦,2016; Samantha, 2012)。 國際運動賽會的自營收入主要包括:門票、媒體轉播權利金、企業贊助及授權商品收入等 (IOC, 2012;Buhler, Heffeman,& Hewson, 2007)。在「奧運經濟」的體系中,「門票收入」一直是歷屆奧運會中僅次於「轉播權利金」和「廠商贊助金」的主要收入之一。同時,也可以帶動其他產業(黃煜,2012; Walmsley, 2001)。本研究目的: 希望能釐清奧運會售票機制中:奧組委會、門票代理商以及購票民眾之間對於奧運門票銷售策略與運作的看法與需求,找尋相互影響因數,期望能為日後奧運門票銷售時,本研究成果可供日後奧運會在售票制定銷售策略時參考,以增加民眾的購票意願。本研究方法將採取質性研究中的「多重個案研究」,利用「深度訪談法」以及「文件分析法」協助蒐集完整的資料,希冀以多元化的佐證資料獲得研究問題的答案,建構整理出更完整的奧運門票售票系統關係圖。在研究貢獻方面:(一)在學術上:綜觀目前運動賽會相關研究,有關專門研究大型運動賽會或是奧運會門票的資料非常有限,本研究完成後,資料將可提供給相關主題的學術研究做為參考;(二)在實務上: 對於爭辦奧運會或是各大型運動賽事的主辦國來說,本研究所得的資料可供其在設定門票銷售機制時,能有完整面向的資訊做為制定原則參考; 另外對於門票代理商,本篇研究所得到的研究成果,可幫助代理商在應對奧組委會以及顧客時,能有效地針對不同對象與狀況,制定出適合的行銷方案,以獲取最大利潤。再者也可幫助有購買意願的民眾提高購票成功的機會。Ticket revenue is the third major source of income of the Olympic Games. For the host city of the Olympic Games, ticket selling can also drive other industries, such as tourism and transportation. According to previous records, tickets for popular sports often sell out quickly, but a large number of tickets remain in the late ticket-selling stage. In order to avoid large economic losses, the Organising Committee of the Olympic Games (OCOG) makes the necessary adjustments in relation to demand as part of their ticketing strategy. The purpose of this study is: (1) to understand the nature of Olympic Games ticketing; (2) to explore the reasons why customers purchase Olympic tickets; and (3) to track the ticketing requests at different stages along with the corresponding sales strategies of the Authorised Ticket Reseller (ATR). The research methods used include document analysis and semi-structured interviews. The key findings are (i) the ticketing plan and strategy of the OCOG affects people’s intention to purchase due to cultural differences in consumer behaviour (ii) the ATR bears more risks during the ticketing phase and it may affect the ATR does not actively promote ticket sales and, (iii) social and security issues of the host city also affect the ticket sales and the purchase intention of the customers.產品獨特性門票知覺價值購買意願product uniquenessperceived valueticketpurchase intention奧林匹克運動會門票銷售之研究A Case Study of Olympic Games Ticketingetd