劉建成Liu, Chien-Cheng曾雅萳Tseng, ya-nan2022-06-082026-01-312022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/e544c8c6761ed64bfceb7b3f6aaff8b6/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118382賽博龐克(Cyberpunk)原是科幻小說的一個分支,以電腦或科技的高度發展及其後遺症為描寫主題,賽博龐克文化認為科技佔據人類生活的這種現象,終將使社會走向反烏托邦社會。九〇年代初開始這個名詞不再專用於文學領域,而是被定義為一個風格。本研究將賽博龐克精神延伸至網路社會現象議題進行結合,以插畫為媒介創作相符合之視覺手法,將科技發展帶來之未來社會隱憂具體呈現出來,在圖像與觀者內在層次互動下,重新省思背後帶來的科技反噬。因此本研究目的在探討賽博龐克風格作為文化的一環,相對於視覺上的特色及表現主題為何?並嘗試將其特性應用於現代社會現象插畫之創作,探索其視覺發展可能性。在研究方法上,由賽博龐克、網路社會現象、與視覺隱喻等三大類的文獻蒐集,探討賽博龐克風格的多元特點;輔以案例分析,取樣以當代創作家為主,將符合相關元素且帶有賽博龐克風格及視覺隱喻之插畫進行分析,歸納出作品多以冷色調高彩度的色彩搭配鮮明的霓虹色進行畫面配置,圖像內容著重社會批判與內心感受。藉由分析表現手法導入後續創作實證,將網路社會現象的九個面向:「人際關係的疏離」、「網路的黃色風暴」、「網路犯罪」、「網路賭博」、「線上隱私權」、「網路著作權」、「知識鴻溝的擴大」、「資訊超載」及「資訊憂慮」進行創作,分別繪製出一系列的插畫創作。經由文獻、案例分析整理與創作實證的內化過程,獲致以下結論為:一、賽博龐克的悲觀色彩,能喚起人們重視網路社會現象之隱憂;二、賽博龐克與網路社會現象相互依存,對視覺環境的影響性頗深;三、運用視覺隱喻之插畫手法較具反思效果。Cyberpunk was originally a type of science fiction, which discuss the technology development and the disadvantages of computers. Cyberpunk believes that technology dominates human life and will eventually lead to a dystopian society. Since the beginning of the 1990s, cyberpunk no longer refers exclusively to literature, but is defined as a style. This research combines the spirit of cyberpunk with the phenomenon of the Internet society and uses illustrations as a medium for painting. It present the future social problems brought about by technological development. After the image interacts with the viewer's spiritual aspect, the viewer would reconsider the potential problem behind it. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to discuss the visual characteristics and performance of cyberpunk style. And apply the characteristics of cyberpunk to illustrate the social phenomena theme and study of visual development. This research from three categories of literature including cyberpunk, Internet social phenomena, and visual metaphors, and summarizes the diverse characteristics of the cyberpunk style are collected. The case samples are relevant elements and bring an analysis of cyberpunk style and visual metaphor illustrations, which are created by contemporary illustrators. The data shows that most of the works use cool tones and high saturation colors with bright neon colors for painting configuration, and the image content emphasizes criticism of the society and mind feelings. Through the means of artistic expression to import creation. Based on the literature, the phenomenon of the Internet society is derived to nine aspects of illustrations:"Cyber Alienation", " Cyber Porn", "Cyber Crime", "Cyber gambling", "Invasion Of Privacy", "Cyber Copyright", " Knowledge gap", "Information Overload" and "Infomania". Through the literature review, analysis of case and creations, the research shows: 1. The pessimistic of cyberpunk can arouse people's attention to the phenomenon of the Internet society. 2. Cyberpunk and the phenomenon of the Internet society are inseparable, and have a profound impact on the visual environment. 3. The use of visual metaphor illustrations is more reflective.賽博龐克網路社會現象視覺隱喻cyberpunkinternet social phenomenonvisual metaphor賽博龐克風格應用於網路社會現象之插畫創作研究A Research of Internet Social Phenomenon illustration in a Cyberpunk Style學術論文