陳穎賢Tan, Ying-xian2019-08-122019-08-122017-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/84325一九二四年國民黨改組所後衍生的派系紛爭,一直是治國民黨史的重要課題。然而相關的研究成果多將視角聚焦於國內,海外黨部與國內中央黨部之間的互動關係仍未受到研究者普遍重視。因此,本文以國民黨美洲黨部—三藩市總支部為觀察主體,先概述國民黨美洲黨部之發展進程,指出美洲黨務的推進及三藩市得以成為總支部所在地,林森於其中扮演著關鍵角色。次之,本文將討論三藩市總支部因國民黨改組所遭遇之衝擊,說明三藩市總支部在西山會議及寧漢分立時期所作出之抉擇。最後,本文嘗試比較改組後國民黨國內一般黨部與海外黨部之群眾基礎,指出國民黨海外黨務必然以「華僑社會」為其活動空間,而華僑即是海外黨部之群眾基礎。Reorganization of KMT had aroused cliques struggle in whole KMT history, and that issues of study had focus on KMT Central branch than Overseas branch. Therefore, this study will discuss the relationship between KMT Central branch and Overseas branch, and focus on case of San Francisco branch. In the beginning, this article will describe the development of KMT San Francisco branch, pointed out Lin Sen as a crucial man. Secondly, this study will discuss how KMT San Francisco branch impact by cliques struggle of KMT Central branch in the Revolution Age, and revealed how Overseas Chinese play an important role in the KMT Overseas branch.中國國民黨海外黨部三藩市總支部西山會議寧漢分立派系華僑社會華僑overseas branchSan Francisco branchXi shan hui yiNing han fen licliquesOverseas Chinese改組後中國國民黨中央派系之爭對美洲黨部的衝擊(1924-1927):以三藩市總支部為例Reorganization and Cliques Struggle: A Case Study of Relationship between KMT Central Branch with San Francisco Branch, 1924-1927