黃純敏Chuen-Min Huang葉國杏Yeh,Kuo-Hsing2019-08-282004-8-312019-08-282004http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G00H0003021%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89479本研究旨在探究客家喪祭三獻禮及其教育意涵,為達成研究目的,分三層面作探討,即發掘客家喪祭三獻禮的淵源、內容、特色及其意義;透過客家喪祭三獻禮與釋奠同源分流的關係,證明客家三獻禮為傳統古禮;以及從喪、祭禮之基本意義和傳統禮儀融入學校課程之作法,闡釋客家三獻禮之教育意涵。本研究採用文件分析法、參與觀察法以及訪談調查法進行資料的蒐集。觀察、訪談的對象,以居住桃園、新竹、苗栗一帶客家聚落的客家人為主。實徵研究之發現,客家三獻禮喪祭形式雷同,性質吉凶有別;因地域隔閡,導致各區行禮略有差異;客家三獻禮祀牲用羊豕,由贊相主導,為動態禮式;釋奠禮自傳統演變而來,客家三獻禮有如釋奠之縮影;客家三獻禮具教孝感恩、報本反始之教育意涵;客家三獻禮融入學校課程,除了對學童可以產生寓教於禮之功效,學校也可以承擔禮儀薪傳的任務。 綜合相關文獻探討、觀察、訪談與文件分析結果,歸納本研究七項結論: (一)客家三獻禮淵源傳統禮制,為固有文化之一環。(二)客家三獻禮無論禮儀形式、儀注用詞、行禮內容、表現意涵,多遵循傳統,觀念執著,重守成而少變革。(三)客家三獻禮吉凶同式,類似古代貴族之儀、品官之制的特徵。 (四)釋奠是典型的傳統三獻禮,客家三獻禮與其系出同源。(五)三獻禮式於民間喪祭場合所表現的是慎終追遠、飲水思源,而祭孔釋奠所彰顯的是尊師重道、褒崇聖賢,皆具教化意義。(六)傳統禮儀是民族文化的精髓,社區文化的主要部分,融入學校課程與教學,符合現代教育的目標和精神。(七)客家三獻禮融入學校教育之可行方案有:以三獻禮辦理開學典禮;成立三獻禮研習社團;舉辦三獻禮觀摩活動;以及設置跨領域三獻禮課程。 最後,根據本研究實質內容,建議客家文化工作單位:獎勵客家文化之學術研究,支助地方及學校倡辦客家禮儀研習;建議地方民政單位:審慎檢討釋奠改變的措施;建議客家地區學校:以客家三獻禮為素材,融入學校教育;建議執禮人員:注重執禮技巧等。另外,對未來後續研究的方向亦提出相關建言。The purpose of this study was to explore the “Three-Consecrations” of worship and funeral service in Hakka and its educational meanings. Three questions were investigated. They included: (1) What are the origin, contents, features, and meanings of the “Three-Consecrations” of worship and funeral service in Hakka? (2) What are the relationships of Hakka “Three-Consecrations” with the traditional ancient rituals and the religious ritual of Confucianism? (3) How are the ways of integrating the educational meanings of Hakka “Three-Consecrations” and traditional rituals into school curriculum? The observation and interview objects are mainly the Hakka residents living in Taoyuan, Hsinchu, and Miaoli counties. Data derived from documentary review, participant observation, and individual interview provided significant information to answer the research questions. According to observations, interviews, and data analysis, this study revealed seven important findings: (1) The Hakka “Three-Consecrations” comes from traditional rituals and is a part of Chinese culture. (2) Whatever types of rituals, words of saying, contents of performing, the Hakka “Three-Consecrations” still follows the tradition and doesn’t change a lot. (3) The Hakka “Three-Consecrations” has the same type of ritual, whatever in worship or funeral service; its features are similar to the ancient rituals of aristocrats and officer rankings. (4) “Shidian” (the religious ritual of Confucianism) is typical of the “Three-Consecrations;” the Hakka “Three-Consecrations” has the same originality as it. (5) The “Three-Consecrations” in civil worship and funeral service indicates that it should be careful to perform the funeral rites to parents, and to look back and worship distant ancestors; while the religious ritual of Confucianism manifests the honor for teachers and the virtuous and talented people. (6) Traditional rituals are the essence of national culture and a major part of community culture, which are worthwhile to be integrated into school curriculum. (7) The practical projects for integrating the Hakka “Three-Consecrations” into schooling include: performing a school starting ceremony by the “Three-Consecrations”; organizing a club for the study of the “Three-Consecrations”; holding observation activities of the “Three-Consecrations”; and offering a cross-fields curriculum to study the “Three-Consecrations”. Finally, according to the research findings, the study has suggested that: (1) encouraging Hakka cultural working units to do academic research about Hakka culture and to help schools or locals offer workshops for learning Hakka rituals; (2) requesting the local authorities to examine the performing practices of the religious ritual of Confucianism; (3) supporting the Hakka district schools to integrate the Hakka “Three-Consecrations” teaching materials into school curriculum; and (4) directing ceremony-executors to emphasize the skills of ritual performing. Moreover, some other suggestions for the further research are also included.客家三獻禮客家三獻禮喪禮祭禮HakkaThree-ConsecrationsHakka “Three-Consecrations”worship servicefuneral ritual客家喪祭三獻禮及其教育意涵之研究A Study on the Hakka Three-Consecrations of worship and funeralservice and its educational meanings