胡心慈劉明媛2019-08-282012-7-92019-08-282012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699090092%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91891從家庭是個體最初始接觸的環境,及家長是孩子最佳的照顧者的角度出發,本研究以行動研究法,訓練一名學前自閉症兒童單親家長運用ABA處理孩子的情緒行為問題,主要目的在於了解以此形成的方案對於家長的教養與態度上之影響。經過觀察、分析資料及詢問家長需求後決定以教導家長A-B-C觀察記錄,並將記錄資料做功能分類、功能假設與驗證,最後依此選擇策略介入孩子的情緒行為問題。 經過行動研究的循環修正歷程,本研究發現教導家長使用ABA處理孩子的情緒行為問題有以下成效: 一、 提供家長更清楚的思考脈絡來看待孩子的行為問題。 二、 跳脫大人單向的角度,轉而用多方角度看待孩子行為問題的原因,進而同理並找到方法解決。 三、 使家長調整自己的想法與做法,減輕心理上的壓力,提升自我效能與教養能力。 因此,訓練家長使用ABA來處理與改善孩子的情緒行為問題,能讓家長重新檢視自己思考孩子情緒行為問題的歷程,進而找出合適的策略介入,逐漸減輕家長心理上的負擔。此外,積極的陪伴和傾聽,從研究夥伴慢慢培養出朋友般的情感,給予家長實質上與心理上的支持,也會是促使研究成效能持續維持的原因之一。Family is the initial environment that individuals contact with and parent is the best care of children. From these points of view, this study trained a single mother using ABA treatment for her preschool autistic child's emotional and behavioral problems. The purpose of this study is to find out changes of parent’s upbringing after using ABA treatment. According to observing data, analyzing information and demands of the mother, we formed a program to teach the mother on A-B-C observation records, functional classification, functional assumptions and verification, and finally selected proper interventions in the child's emotional and behavioral problems. Results of this study were found with the following: first, this study provided a more clear thinking path for parent to understand the child’s emotional and behavioral problems; second, parent’s views of the child’s problems transformed from single to diversified perspective; third, reduction in parent’s mental stress made parent adjusting thoughts and behavior to promote self-efficiency of upbringing. Training parent implementing ABA not only benefit the child, but also empower parent in thinking and handling child’s emotional and behavioral problems. Otherwise, friendship can also strengthen the relation between researcher and parent, support parent in mental status and become one of cause of maintaining efficacy from this study.訓練家長ABA學前自閉症兒童自閉症兒童家長單親training parentABApreschool autistic childrenparents of autistic childrensingle mother訓練家長應用ABA於學前自閉症兒童行動研究