方進義Fang, Chin-Yi葉樹珊Yeh, Shu -Shan2019-09-052019-10-122019-09-052014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060131026A%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107623近年來由於總體環境影響,使國際能源消耗成本日益上漲,加上臺灣能源依賴國外進口程度逾九成,因此國內受到此波能源成本調漲的影響也就更加顯著。臺灣近年來餐飲業逐漸受到重視,根據經濟部統計處數據顯示,2013年1至9月餐飲業總營業額創下歷年同期新高紀錄,且有逐漸走向大型化及連鎖化的趨勢。因此本研究對象為臺灣的S餐飲連鎖集團,選擇其旗下一個品牌之連鎖餐廳進行能源效率分析,使用BCC模型 (Banker, Charnes,& Cooper Model) 之資料包絡分析法 (Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA) 為研究工具,計算各家連鎖餐廳的電、水、瓦斯等能源效率,再計算出每家連鎖餐廳的各項能源節約目標值 (Energy-Saving Target, EST)、能源節約目標比率 (Energy-saving target ratios, ESTR) 及總體要素能源效率 (Total-factor energy efficiency, TFEE) ,並使用Spearman相關係數,對本研究之分析模型進行穩健度分析 (Robust Analysis) ,運用單因子變異數分析,了解餐廳類型對於能源效率並無相關後,最後使用截斷式迴歸 (Truncated Regression) ,發現餐廳類型對於餐廳的能源效率會產生最大之影響。本研究樣本為2009-2013年間共33家店點,研究結果發現,共有12家店點並未達到能源效率,在計算出其能源節約目標值、能源節約目標比率及總體要素能源效率後,餐飲業者能針對每一個能源項目,發展更準確的節能方向,更有效的制定並執行節能方案。 In recent years, the cost of energy has rising due to the influence of overall environmental. Even more, the useage of energy in Taiwan is dependent on the imported more than 90%, so we have far-reaching influence in the rises in energy costs. Taiwan's food and beverage industry has became more important in these years. According to the statistics of the Statistics Department in Ministry of Economic Affairs, which the total revenue of the food and beverage industry hit a new record from January to September in 2013. This industry has gradually become large - scaled and chain - trend. Therefore, the study of Taiwan's one major chain restaurant group, choosing two brands of the group to calculate their energy efficiency by using Banker, Charnes,& Cooper Model, Data Envelopment Analysis as a research tool. Every restaurant has one efficiency score, and three energy saving targets (EST) , energy - saving target ratios (ESTR) and total - factor energy efficiency (TFEE) which include electricity, water and gas. Following, using the Spearman rank correlation coefficient to discuss the robust of models. Finally, the study uses the truncated regression with bootstrapped procedure to examine the determinants (including the number of employee,number of seats and type of restaurants ). An evaluation of energy efficiency in 33 restaurants in 2009-2013 is demonstrated. The empirical results show that there are twelve restaurants are not efficient. According to the energy saving targets , energy-saving target ratios and total-factor energy efficiencies, the owners of restaurant industry could aim at individual energy to develope its energy – saving methods efficiently.連鎖餐飲能源節約目標值總體要素能源效率資料包絡分析法chain restaurantenergy saving target (EST)total - factor energy efficiency (TFEE)data envelopment analysis (DEA)運用資料包絡分析法於臺灣連鎖餐飲集團能源效率之研究Study of the energy efficiency with data envelopment analysis in Taiwans’ chain restaurant group