國立臺灣師範大學國文學系賴貴三2015-01-292015-01-292001-06-011019-6706http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/43318本文係筆者紹述業師黃慶萱教授〈《周易》時觀初探〉與〈《周易》位觀初探〉二文的流行終始與位育盡性觀點而作,透過檢索通行本與帛書本《周易》有關「命」字的文本,逐一釋證其義,並貫通先秦以來「性命對揚」的歷史發展脈絡,以聯擊《周易》經傳「命」觀的一致理念,從而貞定《周易》的主體自覺、道德能動的「性命」與「理命」、「德命」一致而證成無虞的實踐理趣。This paper is trying to accomplish the discourses of the other two articles: "Exploration of the Book of Changes in view of Time" and "Exploration of the Book of Changes in view of Space", which are authored by Professor Huang Ching-Hsuang. According to the context in "The Book of Changes" referring to "fates", I explain their different meanings. The circulation and changes of time can be reflected to the systematic structure of space. Understanding the connotation of time and space (i.e. the universe), one can fulfill the virtues and ultimately to control his fates. There is always an interaction between the inherent quality of being and fate. Based on the subject consciousness and moral activism, one can penetrate his intrinsic fate, the reasonable fate and the virtuous fate, then harmonizes with the divine fate. This is the theme of philosophic practice implied in "The Book of Changes".周易天命君命性命理命德命道命The Book of ChangesThe divine fateThe fate determined by the divine willMonarchic mandateThe inherent fateThe fate inhered from human natureThe reasonable fateThe fate within reasonThe virtuous fateThe fate fulfilled by virtueTaoism《周易》「命」觀初探Exploration of "The Book of Changes" in View of Fate