邱春瑜Chiu, Chun-Yu林思汎Lin, Szu-Fan2023-12-082023-08-102023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/b2ed7178574e4a9eaae2e41fb703c0a3/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119675具備自我決策行為的智能障礙者能成為自己生命中的主人。本研究依據自我掌控理論(Causal Agency Theory)分析智能障礙者(簡稱智青)在線上會議中展現之自我決策行為,包含意識決策行為(Volitional action)、行動控制信念(Action-control beliefs)和能動行為(Agentic action)。本研究旨在探討(1)智青在線上會議中展現的自我決策行為以及(2)智青對於線上會議中所受支持的看法,並完成7次線上會議觀察、會議前後半結構訪談5位智青與1位專業支持者(共11人次)。研究者透過Nvivo質性統計軟體編碼、分析,並邀請一位同儕審查者確認編碼過程的客觀性,研究結果如下:一、智能障礙青年在線上會議中展現的自我決策行為本研究中五位智青展現出不同樣態的意識決策行為、行動控制意念和能動行為。五位特質相差甚大的智青組成研究團隊,包含責任心強大的雅雯、適時提供協助的怡君、觀察他人需求的昱誠、禮貌提問的亞魁和探索自我需求的哲豪。過往正向經驗與彼此熟悉度成為他們參與研究的強烈動機,並優先選擇以一對一方式進行討論。團隊中三位智青在三項行為特徵都有一致較明確之展現,內在動機與過往正向經驗息息相關,且意識決策行為、行動控制意念和能動行為呈現一致偏高的智青,整體上展現出較多自我決策行為。二、智能障礙青年在線上會議中對於所受支持的看法本研究發現智青在線上會議中所受支持來源以及策略各有二部分。支持來源方面,智青遇到困難時傾向尋求智青支持者協助,認為同儕間有熟悉感、用語相近,解決問題的同時更維持良好會議氛圍,研究更發現智青支持者會觀察智青的認知狀態,提供不同層次協助;而專業支持者大量提問和確認雖能促進表達,卻也造成智青的心理壓力,影響團體氣氛。支持策略方面,智青重視預先準備、依照障礙特質提供需求以及將訊息視覺化統整,透過會議主持人事前提供電子或紙本資料有助於會前先連結舊經驗,使參與成員能預先思考可能面臨的狀況,減少臨場反應所花費的時間。智青的自我決策行為需要時間與經驗累積,形成正向經驗-動機-參與的循環。會議主辦者需要提供高品質的支持服務,而實務工作者及智青皆可考量會議中使用的支持策略、專業支持者培訓以及參與成員間的夥伴關係。未來學術領域可進一步探討智青自我決策萌芽的契機與進行支持服務相關實證研究,以期創造更有利於智青參與的研究設計,期能彰顯身心障礙者權利公約中「Nothing us, without us!」之精神。People with intellectual disabilities(PwIDs) who display self-determined behaviors can become masters of their lives. Grounded in the Causal Agency Theory(CAT), this study aims to explore the self-determined behaviors of 5 PwIDs in a series of online meetings. Under the CAT, self-determined behaviors include volitional action, action-control beliefs, and agentic action. In addition, the researcher seeks to understand the PwIDs’ perspectives on the support they received during the online meeting. During the study phase, the researcher conducted 11 in-depth interviews with five PwIDs and one professional before and after the 7-session online meetings and coded and analyzed qualitative data by Nvivo. The researcher also invited a peer-independent coder to debrief about the results. The results indicated two significant findings:A. The PwIDs show diverse volitional action, action-control beliefs, and agentic action during online meetings. The researcher identified different characteristics from the five PwIDs: Ya-Wen was proven to be a responsible person; Yee-Chwan showed his strengths as a timely helper; Yu-Ching was considered observant of other people's needs; Ya-Kui raised questions politely; and Chee-Ho who explored his own needs freely. Their past experiences participating in self-advocate activities and familiarity with this group strongly motivated them. Consequently, three PwIDs with more experience demonstrated more consistent self-determined behaviors. All participants also valued one-on-one conversation in addition to the group discussion. B. The PwIDs identified the sources of support and strategies during online meetings. Regarding the sources of support, the PwIDs tended to seek help from a peer when they struggled with challenges. They preferred talking to their kind because of the relationship and the same language. They also indicated receiving different levels of assistance through supporting professionals (i.e., a social worker) who facilitated by prompting and re-confirming but sometimes posed stress to the PwIDs. Regarding investing strategies, the PwIDs identified advanced notice, individualized accommodation, and visual cues as the three most helpful strategies. Especially in the context of the online meeting, it was beneficial to have electronic or paper information in advance. They also appreciated having the content adapted in a way that helped connect with their past experiences for PwIDs. Those strategies also reflected perfect with characteristics from intellectual disability (e.g., taking a long time to process information).In conclusion, PwIDs need to have more opportunities to develop self-determined behaviors. The positive cycle includes positive experience, motivation, and participation. Self-advocates and supporting personnel should provide high-quality support. To achieve this goal, personal preparation should consider effective support strategies and rapport-building skills. On the other hand, this study calls for further investigations on (a) developing self-determined behaviors and (b) evidence-based strategies supporting self-determined behaviors from PwIDs. Finally, in the spirit of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities,"Nothing us without us!” the research field shall encourage inclusive research design.智能障礙青年自我決策自我掌握理論專業支持者線上會議People with intellectual disabilityself-determinationCausal Agency Theorysupporters「挑戰吧!」提升智能障礙青年自我決策行為之展現-以線上會議為例“I can do it!”A Qualitative Exploration on Self-determinated Behavior for Young Adults with Intellectual Disability during Online Conferencesetd