郭靜姿蔡馥安2019-08-282017-01-132019-08-282012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697090282%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91878本研究旨在於了解社經地位不利資優生的現況,以及探討人格特質、社會支持對認知情意交織特質之預測情形。本研究運用問卷調查法,使用「人格特質量表」、「社會支持量表」及「認知情意交織特質量表」為工具,以社經地位不利資優生為研究對象,採立意取樣方式,針對惜才育英計畫第一屆和第二屆學員共44人,進行調查。以描述統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料處理。本研究主要發現如下: 一、全體社經地位不利資優生家庭經濟來源主要是母親和自己打工;普遍接受福利減免、親友支持和獎助學金;將來計劃從事的工作為公務人員類、學術/教育/輔導類、傳播藝術設計類及行銷/企劃/專案管理類,主要原因有主修相關科系、個人興趣、擁有相關專長以及個人特質符合。 二、不同家庭結構的社經地位不利資優生在人格特質達顯著差異,其中雙親組和單親組皆優於隔代教養組。 三、不同家庭結構的社經地位不利資優生在社會支持與認知情意交織特質之差異未達顯著水準。 四、人格特質和社會支持能有效預測社經地位不利資優生之認知情意交織特質,解釋量達77.9%,各分向度中,人格特質的「嚴謹性」、「開放性」和社會支持的「工具性」、「訊息性」對於認知情意交織特質具有良好預測力。 根據上述研究結果,研究者提出對教育應用以及後續研究的相關建議。The purpose of this study was to investigate personality traits, social support, and the co-cognitive traits of low-SES gifted students in university in relation to family structure. This work used "Personality Scale", "Social Support Scale" and "Positive Psychology Scale" as research instruments, and selected 44 low-SES gifted students from universities in Taiwan as subjects by purposive sampling. Relevant data were collected and analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson's correlation, and stepwise multiple regression. The results of the study are as follows: (a) The targeted subjects' main economic sources are their mothers and their own income. They generally accepted welfare relief, the support from family and friends and scholarships. Their plans for future careers include the civil service, academia, education, counseling, communication, art and design, and marketing and management. They are interested in these careers because they are majoring in relevant subjects in university, personal interests, ability and suitability to one's personality. (b) There is a statistically significant difference between the personality traits of students from different family types. Gifted students from families with two parents or from single-parent families perform better than those from families with grandparents only. (c) There is no statistically significant difference in the social support received and the co-cognitive traits between students from different family types. (d) Personality traits and social support were the two strongest predictors of the co-cognitive traits of low-SES gifted students; they accounted for 77.9% of the variation of the co-cognitive traits. Four factors, Conscientiousness and Openness of the personality traits, and Emotional Support and Cognitive Support of social support, were found to be most predictive variables of the co-cognitive traits. Based on the above results, the author suggests how these results could be applied and how future research could be conducted.社經地位不利資優生人格特質社會支持認知情意交織特質正向心理家庭結構Low-SES Gifted StudentsPersonality TraitsSocial SupportCo-Cognitive TraitsPositive PsychologyFamily Structure社經地位不利資優生人格特質與社會支持對認知情意交織特質之預測研究A Study of Personality Traits, Social Support and Co-Cognitive Traits of Low Socioeconomic Status Gifted Students in University