王國欽Wang, Kuo-Ching楊宗勳Yang, Tsung-Hsun2019-09-052022-12-312019-09-052017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0004312106%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107178近年來,亞洲各國陸續開放天空,越來越多廉價航空(Low Cost Carrier,簡稱為 LCC)飛進台灣,已大幅提升整體航空市場需求;過去各家傳統航空(Full Service Carrier,簡稱為 FSC)長久以來爭相砸大錢提供客艙內各式免費的服務用品為要贏得乘客的芳心,也未必有良好成效。因此,本研究問題在競爭激烈的航空市場與時俱進之下找出廉價航空『低成本高品質』客艙氛圍的關鍵成功因子是個值得探討的課題,甚至藉由吸取廉價航空創意的客艙氛圍營造優勢導入至傳統航空策略迎戰,勢必將是未來嶄露頭角與勝出的利器。本研究與60位搭乘廉價航空之常客、5位空勤組員及5位相關服務規劃部門主管進行深度訪談及內容分析。本研究結果發現廉價航空在客艙服務流程中以低成本高品質增進客艙氛圍之服務項目,依序為1.登機過程、2.逃生介紹、3.起飛後、4.機上餐飲售賣服務、5.免稅商品售賣服務、6.乘客下機。本研究建議目前在實務上尚未有將廉價航空的各項增進客艙氛圍之優勢因子運用在傳統航空的營運上。另外,與機上商品銷售廠商異業合作,不僅取悅及吸引更多乘客的目光並抓住更多乘客的心,同時亦可增加機上商品(免稅品、宅配)銷售與開發。In recent years, Asian countries have opened the sky, more and more low-cost airlines (LCC) fly into Taiwan. The past, the traditional air (Full Service Carrier, referred to as the FSC) has long been competing to fight a large amount of money to provide a variety of free service supplies cabin to win the hearts of passengers. Therefore, this research question in the highly competitive aviation market with the times to find LCC "low-cost high-quality" cabin atmosphere of the key success factor is a worthy of discussion, even by absorbing LCC creative cabin atmosphere to create advantages into the traditional aviation strategy against, is bound to be the future budding and strategic weapon. This study conducted an in-depth interview with 60 frequent passengers, five crew members and five relevant service planning departments, and analyzed the contents of the interview. The results of the study found that LCC in the cabin service process to low-cost high-quality cabin service to enhance the atmosphere, ex. 1. boarding process, 2. escape introduction, 3. take-off, 4. catering sales service, 5. Duty-free sale service, 6. passenger off the plane. This study suggests that there is currently no practical advantage in the use of low-cost aviation to enhance the cabin atmosphere of the advantages of the use of traditional aviation operations. In addition, with the merchandise sales company on-site business cooperation, not only to please and attract more passengers and seize the eyes of more passengers, but also increase the machine on the goods (duty-free goods, home delivery) sales and development.廉價航空客艙氛圍款待互動式服務藍海策略low-cost airlinecabin ambiencehospitalityinteractive serviceblue ocean strategy低成本高品質客艙氛圍探索研究以廉價航空為例An Exploratory Study on the Low Cost and High Quality Cabin Ambience