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本研究旨在探討臺北市高中職身心障礙學生家長對學校特殊教育服務品質之滿意度,同時分析不同背景變項家長對特殊教育服務品質滿意度之差異情形。本研究採取問卷調查法,研究對象為102學年度臺北市公私立高中職資源班(含普通班接受特教服務)及公私立高職特教班學生之家長。抽樣人數為1071人,回收問卷為478份,回收率為45%,有效問卷為448份,有效問卷回收率為42%。本研究工具為自編之「高中職身心障礙學生家長對學校特教服務品質滿意度調查問卷」,所得資料以平均數、標準差、單因子變異數分析、無母數統計法等進行分析,輔以開放性意見之分析結果,提出以下主要研究結果: 一、臺北市高中職身心障礙學生家長對於特殊教育服務品質之整體及各向度感到很滿意。 二、臺北市高中職身心障礙學生家長對於同理回應性之服務品質滿意度最高,其次為保證可靠性與物體有形性。 三、臺北市不同子女學校類別、安置型態以及家長性別之高中職身心障礙學生家長,對於特殊教育服務品質之各向度或部分向度的滿意度有顯著差異。 四、臺北市不同子女性別、就讀年級、障礙類別以及家長教育程度與職業之高中職身心障礙學生家長,對於特殊教育服務品質之各向度的滿意度無顯著差異。 最後依據研究結果,提出相關建議,供教育行政機關、學校教育人員 及未來研究之參考。
This study aims to examine the satisfaction of the quality of special education provided by the schools regarding the parents of students attending senior high schools and senior vocational high schools. In addition, it also delves into the relations between different background variables and the difference of parents’ satisfaction towards the quality of special education. This project employed the questionnaire method, with the parents of the resource classes (including special education service in general classes) in private and public senior high schools and special education classes in private and public vocational senior high school in 2013 academic year as subjects. There was a total of 1071 samples, with 478 returned questionnaires, for a return rate of 45%. There were 448 valid questionnaires, for the valid return rate of 42%. This research tool was “The Questionnaire of the Satisfaction of the Quality of Special Education Provided by the Schools Regarding the Parents of Students Attending Senior High Schools and Senior Vocational High Schools” complied by the researcher. Besides an analysis of opened-end opinions, the mean, standard deviation, one-way ANOVA, and nonparametric statistics derived from the questionnaires were analyzed. The major research results are proposed as follows: 1.The parents of physical and mental disabled students in senior high school and senior vocational high school are highly satisfied with the overall and different dimensions of the quality of special education. 2.The parents of physical and mental disabled students in senior high school and senior vocational high school scored the highest in empathetic-response, and second in guarantee reliability and physical tangibility. 3.The parents of physical and mental disabled students in senior high school and senior vocational high school in Taipei with different school types, placement patterns, and genders display significant differences in the overall and part of the dimensions of the quality of special education. 4.The parents of physical and mental disabled students in senior high school and senior vocational high school in Taipei with different children’s gender, education levels, the disabilities categories, parents’ education levels and occupations show no significant difference in all the dimensions of the quality of special education. Finally, suggestions are proposed in accordance with the research findings for the references of education administration bodies, school administrators, and future studies.



高中職身心障礙學生家長, 特殊教育安置型態, 特殊教育服務品質滿意度, parents of physical and mental disabled students in senior high school and senior vocational high school, placement patterns of special education, special education service quality satisfaction

