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夜市是台灣獨特的夜間生活形態,除了提供居民生活上的消費,並兼顧休閒與觀光的意義,因此吸引許多來台洽商或旅遊之外國遊客。本研究探討不同區域國家來台之外籍人士,在夜市所產生之旅遊行為和夜市體驗的差異,並瞭解夜市旅遊行為與夜市體驗之關係。針對在台灣過境停留且曾到訪台灣夜市之外籍遊客做調查,於台灣桃園國際機場進行取樣,將外籍遊客分為「束南亞」、「日本」及「歐美」三文化背景類群,採比例抽樣方式共獲得有效樣本333份。外籍遊客之旅遊行為經因素分析後萃取人際互動、活力探索、收集記憶、消費信任和購買物品等五因素。夜市體驗共有五個構面,分別是感官體驗、情感體驗、思考體驗、行動體驗和關聯體驗。研究結果發現,不同文化背景之遊客對夜市之旅遊行為在「活力探索」和「記憶收集」因素構面有顯著差異,東南亞遊客在「記憶收集」構面高於日本遊客;而不同文化背景之遊客對夜市體驗只有在「情感體驗」因素構面有顯著差異,歐美遊客略低於日本和東南亞遊客。使用淨最小平方法(partial least squares, PLS)計算模型係數的顯著性,結果香現僅有「消費信任」和「購買物品」可以有效且正向形成旅遊行為,旅遊行為對夜市體驗為正向且顯著的影響,且對於夜市體驗中的五感體驗約有正向且直接的影響效果,其中以「思考體驗」、「情感體驗」和「感官體驗」的影響效果較強。研究結果建議管理單位和業者對外籍遊客宣傳夜市的體驗外,亦可針對不同外籍遊客的文化背景,進行體驗行銷之定位,以提升外籍遊客對於台灣夜市體驗滿意程度。
Night market is a unique form of night life, which not only a place for ordinary living consumption, but also a place for leisure and play. Therefore night market attracts a lot of foreign tourists to visit Taiwan. This study investigated the tourists' behaviors and their experience for Taiwan night market among different countries. The subjects transit stop in Taiwan who had visited Taiwan night market. There were 333 samples surveyed at the departure hall of Taiwan International Airport. The samples include 'Southeast Asia", "Japanese" and "Europe and the United States" three cultural background groups. Foreign tourists' behaviors were divided into interpersonal interaction, vigorous exploration, memory collection, consumption, and curiosity to purchase items from factor analysis. Night market experiences include five dimensions: sense, feel, think, act and related experiences. The results find that different cultural backgrounds of the tourists having significant different behaviors of "novel exploration" and "memory collection" factors. Southeast Asia visitors have higher memory collection values than Japanese tourists. The tourists with different cultural backgrounds show significant differences in the "emotional experience" factor. The Europe/United States visitors have loner values than Japanese and Southeast Asia tourists. Use partial least squares (PLS) to the model number of significant, found only "consumer confidence" and "purchase of goods" are positive forming of tourist behavior. The five senses experience of night merket experiences were both positive, "Reflections on experience," "emotional experience" and "sensory experience" had the stronger effects. Study results suggest ideas for management administrators and the business groups to promote night experiences for foreign tourists, and to make marketing segmentation based on tourists' cultural backgrounds to identify the position of marketing and enhance foreign tourists' satisfaction for Taiwan night market tour.







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