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臺灣的新住民人數已超過56萬,臺北市的新住民人數達3萬6,513人,且大多數為青壯族群,已過婚育的初期,可以走出家庭進入勞動市場。新住民的就業意願強,職業訓練的需求日增,實際參加職業訓練的人數逐年上升。本研究目的在瞭解新住民容易入門的訓練職類有那些,適合新住民參加訓練的時間與方式為何,以及新住民在訓練中的可能遇到的困難及協助的方式,藉以提供政府規劃與實施新住民職業訓練之參考。本研究運用描述統計與質化取徑,以問卷調查與訪談法蒐集資料。問卷調查的對象是參加「臺北市職能發展學院」所辦理之職訓課程的新住民。深度訪談對象包含5位新住民結業學員(含4位專班學員與1位一般班的新住民學員)、2位訓練師以及2位就業輔導員。本研究根據問卷調查與訪談內容得到五項結論:1. 政府應針對新住民的需求開辧多元的職業訓練。2.新住民職業訓練的上課型態可規劃為專班與一般混合班二者並行。3.訓練結合證照的方式符合新住民的需求,但需針對新住民的語言的弱點加以協助。4.新住民參加職業訓練關鍵在於家人的支持與否。5.新住民的職訓課程內容可納入小本創業、電子商務,以及連結就業服務的創業資源。本研究建議新住民職業訓練的規畫與實施方向:跨部門合作、新住民職訓專班與一般班並行辦理、擴大新住民職業訓練職類與班別、製作影音及線上課程、建立新住民參與職訓結業人才庫,研究結果期能提供臺北市新住民職業訓練規劃與實施之參考。
The population of marital immigrants from Mainland China and southeastern Asian countries is over five hundred and six thousand in Taiwan. In 2019, the immigrant population is thirty-six thousand in Taipei. Most of the immigrants are young adults. Their children have grown up entering elementary schools, so they are able to spend time to go to vocational training classes in order to be employed. Immigrants have strong motivation to be employed so the need of attending vocational training increases in these years. The number of immigrants who practically attended vocational training also increased. The purpose of this research is to find out the possible vocational training programs for immigrants to step in, the appropriate training hours and arrangement for immigrants, and the difficulties and solutions during the training classes. The result of the research is to provide the government to plan and implement the vocational trainings for immigrants. This research uses the descriptive statistics and qualitative approach to collect and analyze data. The questionnaire was undertaken in the 2019 class of the “immigrants' vocational training class for beverage preparation” held by the Taipei Vocational Development Institute. The interviews were applied to five immigrants, two trainers, and two employment specialists. There reach five conclusions: — 1) that the government should develop multiple vocational trainings for immigrants; 2) that the immigrants-specific classes and ordinary classes are both useful; 3) that training combined with licensing is an effective approach; 4) that family support is essential for immigrants attending vocational training and employment; 5) that the knowledge of running small businesses and e-commerce is considerable added in. The results of the research are provided for planning and implementation of immigrants' vocational training in Taipei.
The population of marital immigrants from Mainland China and southeastern Asian countries is over five hundred and six thousand in Taiwan. In 2019, the immigrant population is thirty-six thousand in Taipei. Most of the immigrants are young adults. Their children have grown up entering elementary schools, so they are able to spend time to go to vocational training classes in order to be employed. Immigrants have strong motivation to be employed so the need of attending vocational training increases in these years. The number of immigrants who practically attended vocational training also increased. The purpose of this research is to find out the possible vocational training programs for immigrants to step in, the appropriate training hours and arrangement for immigrants, and the difficulties and solutions during the training classes. The result of the research is to provide the government to plan and implement the vocational trainings for immigrants. This research uses the descriptive statistics and qualitative approach to collect and analyze data. The questionnaire was undertaken in the 2019 class of the “immigrants' vocational training class for beverage preparation” held by the Taipei Vocational Development Institute. The interviews were applied to five immigrants, two trainers, and two employment specialists. There reach five conclusions: — 1) that the government should develop multiple vocational trainings for immigrants; 2) that the immigrants-specific classes and ordinary classes are both useful; 3) that training combined with licensing is an effective approach; 4) that family support is essential for immigrants attending vocational training and employment; 5) that the knowledge of running small businesses and e-commerce is considerable added in. The results of the research are provided for planning and implementation of immigrants' vocational training in Taipei.
新住民, 移民, 職業訓練, 就業, New Inhabitants, Immigrants, Vocational Training, Employment