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在台灣,每年施工造成意外的比例與職業傷害皆位居前茅,對勞工的生命與產業的生產力造成重大影響,其中勞工不安全行為是意外發生的首要原因。防制此行為的傳統方式是在施工現場架設監視器或派人監工,但由於人力問題,監督的效果與效率並不理想,基於此本研究開發以深度學習為基礎之職安監測系統來協助施工現場的職安管理。科技的進步大幅提升影像辨識能力與速度,本研究利用經過模型架構優化和訓練過程優化的新穎物件偵測器YOLOv7,針對施工現場影像進行訓練並建立職安狀態辨識模型後,對施工中的影像進行偵測,將未符合職安規定的事件篩選出來,最後將辨識結果以LINE Notify即時通報。與YOLOv5演算法進行比較,YOLOv7模型在演算法有改進之外,本研究透過訓練資料集的修正與增加以及模型的重新訓練等方式改善職安監測系統的辨識能力,使模型的mAP提升了約4%。本研究所建立的辨識模型在訓練階段的最佳mAP@.5高達0.98,此高mAP@.5表示可減少誤報與漏報情況的發生。誤報率太高會造成現場施工的困擾,並對通報失去信心;漏報率太高代表違反職安事件的偵測效果不彰,此將影響即時預警的功能。高mAP@.5所帶來的效益將提升施工現場的安全管理,減少意外的發生,強化本研究在產業實務應用的可行性與價值性。
In Taiwan, construction accidents and occupational injuries rank among the highest each year, causing significant impact on both workers' lives and industrial productivity. Unsafe behaviors by workers are identified as the primary cause of these accidents. The traditional approach to prevent such behavior involves setting up surveillance cameras or assigning personnel to supervise construction sites. However, due to manpower limitations, the effectiveness and efficiency of supervision are not optimal. Therefore, this study utilizes artificial intelligence recognition models to assist in occupational safety management at construction sites. Technological advancements have significantly improved the capabilities and speed of image recognition. In this study, a novel object detector, YOLOv7, optimized in terms of model architecture and training process, was utilized. The detector was trained on construction site images to establish a occupational safety state recognition model. It was then applied to detect and filter out events that did not comply with occupational safety regulations in the construction images. Finally,the recognition results were instantly notified through LINE Notify. Compared to the YOLOv5 algorithm, the YOLOv7 model not only incorporates algorithmic improvements but also enhances the recognition capabilities of the occupational safety monitoring system through modifications and additions to the training dataset, as well as retraining of the model. As a result, the mAP (mean Average Precision) of the model has been improved by approximately 4%.The recognition model developed in this study achieved a peak mAP@.5 of 0.98 during the training phase. This high mAP@.5 value indicates a reduced occurrence of false positives and false negatives. Excessive false positives can cause disruptions at the construction site and undermine confidence in the notification system, while a high false negative rate implies ineffective detection of occupational safety violations, which compromises the real-time alerting functionality. The benefits of a high mAP@.5 value include improved safety management at construction sites, reduced incidents, and enhanced feasibility and value of practical application in the industry.



職安監測, 深度學習, 人工智慧, Occupational safety monitoring, Deep learning, Artificial intelligence, YOLOv7, LINE Notify





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