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本研究檢證國小五年級學生使用具註記與摘要提示功能的國語科電子教科書後的學習成就、註記情形與使用國語科電子教科書之態度,以及註記與摘要提示功能對學生的影響。研究採準實驗設計,利用 2(註記功能:有註記、無註記)× 2(摘要提示:有摘要提示、無摘要提示)的雙因子實驗設計,將研究對象兩班共53人分成四組進行,其中A組有14位學生(有註記且有摘要提示)、B組13位學生(有註記但無摘要提示)、C組13位學生(無註記但有摘要提示)、D組13位學生(無註記且無摘要提示),以進行教科書自學活動。研究結果發現:利用成對樣本 t 考驗檢視四組學生於使用國語科電子教科書學習後的成績進步情形,顯示國語科電子教科書的使用有助於國小學生學習成就的表現;探討其註記內容,顯示國小學生使用國語科電子教科書做註記,以記憶形式的應用為最多,其次為闡述,最後則為思考;根據問卷統計結果,顯示出國語科電子教科書註記功能對國小學生的學習具有正面的影響,國語科電子教科書摘要提示功能對國小學生的學習具有正面的影響,且國小學生對使用國語科電子教科書持有正向的態度。
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of digital mandarin textbook with annotation and text summary’s prompts on fifth graders’ learning performance, annotation contents and students’ attitude toward the digital mandarin textbook. Quasi-experimental design was used for the study and the participants were divided into four experimental groups: Group A (with annotation and text summary’s prompts), Group B (with annotation but no text summary’s prompts), Group C (with text summary’s prompts but no annotation), and Group D (no annotation and no text summary’s prompts either). The results showed that four groups’ learning performance was significantly better than before using the digital mandarin textbook. But there is no statistically significant difference of means between four groups. In other words, students’ learning performance were no different in using the functions of annotation and text summary’s prompts. In the annotation contents part, it is showed that most application of the annotation is to remember, second is to clarify, and the last is to think. The result of attitude questionnaire indicated that most students have positive attitude toward the digital mandarin textbook’s annotation and text summary’s prompts. To sum up, students had positive attitudes toward using the digital mandarin textbook to learning.



國語科電子教科書, 註記, 摘要提示, digital mandarin textbook, annotation, text summary’s prompts





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