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(1) 探討當地民眾對溪流保育的基本看法。 a. 瞭解民眾對當地溪流生態基本認知。 b. 瞭解民眾對社區經濟與溪流保育結合之看法。 (2) 比較不同社區對溪流保育態度之差異。 a. 分析大同鄉與南澳鄉居民在溪流保育態度上之差異。 b. 分析社區空間差異對溪流保育態度之影響。 (3) 分析當地居民參與溪流保育之組織運作方式。 a. 瞭解當地社區護溪的組織運作方式。 b. 瞭解社區林業計畫對當地護溪之影響。 (4) 研擬護溪永續機制。 a. 提出當地社區進行護溪的適切運作方式。 b. 瞭解社區居民對此機制之接受程度。 (1) 完成社區參與溪流保育之認知與態度調查。 (2) 瞭解社區參與溪流保育之組織運作。 (3) 提供林務局未來繼續推行社區林業計畫之參考。
In 2002, the Community Forestry Project (CFP) was conducted by Taiwan Forestry Bureau (TFB). The purpose of this new project was to encourage public participation in forest management in order to integrating local residents' consensuses, entering into partnerships with communities, fulfilling biodiversity conservation, increasing forest eco-tourism, and sustaining forestry development. This project was expected to improve communities' environment, promote residents' life quality, create win-to-win results between forest management and community development, and attain sustainable management of forest ecosystem. When CFP was implemented by RFB, lots of indigenous communities participated in this project. Through the financial support from this project, indigenous people positively involved in stream conservation in their communities. In this study, we will compare some indigenous communities located in Tai-ton and Nan-au townships in I-lan conty. Through qualitative methods including literature review, field investigation, and in-depth interview, we tried to understand the fundamental motives, processes, benefits, and challenges for local residents participating in the CFP and stream conservation. In addition, we took questionnaire survey to understand residents' opinion, participation, and expectation about the CFP and stream conservation.







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