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閩客交界地區移民是指原鄉即生活在「雙語地帶」的漢移民。這些移民遷入台灣之 後,除與漳州閩南人混居之外,通常分佈在漳泉交界地帶或閩客交界地帶。這些移民在 原鄉就是閩客混居的雙語區,來到台灣後,或以閩南語為主、或以客家話為主,究其原 來,是閩是客難以區分。而他們所以會這樣分佈,做為漳泉的緩衝,當與漳泉械鬥、閩 粵械鬥及其閩客雙語能力有關係,其過程與機制如何,是台灣史的重要研究課題。近年 來對於客家研究雖然蓬勃發展,但是關於此議題的相關探討似乎仍然不足。本計劃的主 要目的,是藉由統計分析日治時代以來的漢人語言與漢民族鄉貫調查資料,同時調查兩 岸閩客交界地區的移民族群人口分佈與族群認同,乃至族群遷徙史文獻,進而比對本研 究團隊有關祖譜、廟碑、墓碑,信仰圈範圍,語言方言地理分佈的田野調查資料,為共 時的語言方言分佈現狀提供合理可信的解釋。透過閩客交界地區移民的語言變遷與族群 遷徙之調查研究,可以擴大對於所謂「客」的認知,提供更廣泛的思考面向,不但有助 於對臺灣移民史研究的深化,也可以對當前的族群問題再釐清;同時,在強調科際整合 的今日,透過語言學、地理學、歷史學的共同努力,可以為臺灣的移民史、族群史,乃 至客家研究開展出一個新的研究取向。
Investigation of the immigrant's ethnical distribution and migrant history in the Cross-Straits border zones between Southern Fujian and Hakka Immigrants in the cross-straits border zones between Southern Fujian and Hakka (SFH) are the Han people immigrant who lived in an original township that is a bilingual area. After the immigrants transferred to Taiwan, they mostly distributed in the mixed area of Zhangzhou Quanzhou or SFH. The people spoke Southern Fujian dialect, but others spoke Hakka dialect. It is an imperative issue for Taiwan history as thinking of the reasons they spread in such areas. Currently, studies related to this concern have been becoming extremely important; however, it is limited that we cannot find sufficient relative articles and publications. The goals of this study are to investigate the data about the native places of Han people. Such information was established during the period of Japanese governed. Additionally, this study will investigate the distribution of SFH. Moreover, a comparison of collecting genealogy, stele, tombstone, and regional areas will be conducted by the research team, as well as to provide readers with a reasonable explanation about SFH.







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