
dc.description.abstract觀光業節能減碳技術與產業導向人才培育研究 當全世界在尋求永續之路時,觀光產業應如何面對能源及環境變遷的衝擊, 無疑是政府、業者、學校及全民刻不容緩的要務。觀光碳足跡的預估可作為提供 觀光產業為因應氣候變遷所造成影響的基本政策制定模式。而從素養面來強調認 知、態度有助於行為改變的同時,人們的矛盾情緒會是影響推動觀光節能減碳行 為改變的重要變因。本研究第一年期研究目的為分析產業個案之觀光活動碳排放 與其影響因素,來研擬減碳因應策略與管理措施;第二年期藉由發展觀光節能減 碳宣導短片,探討矛盾心理(正負向情緒)與節能減碳素養對於低碳觀光行為之影 響,並將前兩年期研究成果融入觀光節能減碳課程設計;第三年為教育介入與人 才培育,評估觀光節能減碳課程模組之教學介入成效,並剖析觀光系科學生學習 困難與歷程,以研擬解決之道。本研究第一年擬採文件分析與個案研究方法,針 對觀光景點進行碳足跡之盤查,依據盤查結果,提出減碳因應措施與管理策略; 第二年擬採實驗方法,針對矛盾心態的因素(以正負向情緒來做為衡量標準),來 評估矛盾情緒、觀光節能減碳素養與節能減碳行為之因果關係,進而發展符合觀 光節能減碳之課程模組;在第三年將實施準實驗教學,以情境教學、反思教學與 問題解決學習等方法,發展多元方法之教學,並評估其成效。期望能進一步向全 民推廣觀光餐旅節能減碳的觀念。本研究發現可作為觀光業領域節能減碳技術與 產業導向人才培育之重要參考依據。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractA Study on Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Technology and Industry-oriented Talents Cultivation in Tourism Industry Nowadays, sustainable development has become a desirable goal that the whole world pursues. The public and private sectors, tourism industry, the academy, as well as all the citizens must work hand-in-hand to prepare the tourism industry for energy and environmental changes. The estimation of tourism carbon footprint could serve as a reference for the tourism industry to cope with the impacts caused by climate changes. While people's recognition and attitudes would facilitate the change of behaviors, people's ambivalent emotions is a key variable in changing their behaviors to reduce carbon emission in tourism activities. In the first year of this three-year study, it is aimed to conduct case studies on the carbon emissions and influencing factors in tourism activities, so as to draft coping strategies and management procedures accordingly to reduce carbon emissions. In the second year, short promotional videos about energy saving and carbon reduction (ESCR) in tourism will be produced to explore the influence of ambivalence (positive and negative emotions) and knowledge of ESCR on low-carbon tourism activities. The results of the first two years will also be integrated to design curriculum models on ESCR in tourism. The third year will be focused on educational intervention and talents cultivation. The effects of ESCR curriculum models will be evaluated, and the leaning difficulties encountered by students in tourism-related departments will be investigated to find solutions. In terms of the methodology, the first year will use content analysis and case studies to collect the data of carbon footprints at various tourism destinations. Further coping strategies and management procedures will also be proposed accordingly to reduce carbon emissions. The second year will conduct experiments on factors of ambivalence (positive and negative emotions) in the causal relationship among ambivalence, knowledge of ESCR, and ESCR behaviors. Curriculum models for ESCR will be developed accordingly. As for the third year, quasi-experimental teaching activities, including situated teaching, reflective teaching, and problem-solving, will be conducted and evaluated. It is hoped that the results of this study would be further applied to popularize the concept of ESCR. Besides, the findings of this study can serve as essential references for the development of ESCR technology and industry-oriented talents cultivation in tourism industry.en_US
dc.subject.otherenergy saving and carbon reductionen_US
dc.subject.otherfestival and event tourismen_US
dc.subject.otherreflective learningen_US
dc.subject.otherenvironmental educationen_US
dc.titleA Study on Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Technology and Industry-Oriented Talents Cultivation in Tourism Industryen_US
dc.title.alternative觀光業( I )zh_TW

