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本研究目的為搭配智能化對稱雙主軸研磨機開發一套監控系統,雙主軸研磨機是用來製造碳化鎢組成的LED探針,此監控系統包含三個部份: (1)藉由架設在高速主軸上的類比加速規擷取振動訊號。 (2)資料擷取卡模組會取樣類比訊號並將訊號轉換為數位訊號儲存。 (3)透過Visual C#語言可以將擷取出的數位訊號利用演算法進行分析。
The objective of this study is to develop a monitoring system for intellectualized symmetric high‐speed dual‐spindles grinding used for WC LED‐probe fabrications. This monitoring system consists of three parts: 1) vibration signals collected by analog accelerometers installed on the spindle; 2) the analog signals are sampled and converted into digital numeric values via data acquisition (DAQ) modules; 3) the resulting digital samples are then analyzed by using algorithms implemented by Visual C# language. Based on this monitoring system, the following tasks were performed: 1. The wear, clog and dulling in the PCD wheel can be detected out from the developed monitoring system. 2. The process parameters for LED‐probe fabrications are adjusted to obtain a better performance according to the vibration signals. 3. The anomaly of the spindle can be detected early by a novelty bearing anomaly detection algorithm. Monitoring the performance degradation of bearings in spindle continuously is necessary for predictive maintenance. Yet, the complexity of rotary machine increases dramatically and it is impossible for an operator to keeping an eye on the machine’s condition daily. Therefore, it is essential to develop a prognostics system that has the ability to detect abnormality early and prevent unexpected failure. In this study, a data-driven prognostic methodology based on RMS, Kurtosis, Permutation Entropy and support vector data description (SVDD) is proposed. The experimental results demonstrates the efficiency and feasibility of the developed monitoring system.
The objective of this study is to develop a monitoring system for intellectualized symmetric high‐speed dual‐spindles grinding used for WC LED‐probe fabrications. This monitoring system consists of three parts: 1) vibration signals collected by analog accelerometers installed on the spindle; 2) the analog signals are sampled and converted into digital numeric values via data acquisition (DAQ) modules; 3) the resulting digital samples are then analyzed by using algorithms implemented by Visual C# language. Based on this monitoring system, the following tasks were performed: 1. The wear, clog and dulling in the PCD wheel can be detected out from the developed monitoring system. 2. The process parameters for LED‐probe fabrications are adjusted to obtain a better performance according to the vibration signals. 3. The anomaly of the spindle can be detected early by a novelty bearing anomaly detection algorithm. Monitoring the performance degradation of bearings in spindle continuously is necessary for predictive maintenance. Yet, the complexity of rotary machine increases dramatically and it is impossible for an operator to keeping an eye on the machine’s condition daily. Therefore, it is essential to develop a prognostics system that has the ability to detect abnormality early and prevent unexpected failure. In this study, a data-driven prognostic methodology based on RMS, Kurtosis, Permutation Entropy and support vector data description (SVDD) is proposed. The experimental results demonstrates the efficiency and feasibility of the developed monitoring system.
迴旋機械, 線上監測, 預知保養, Prognosis system, Monitoring system