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自80年代以來,宋澤萊的小說慣用以魔幻寫實的手法,描繪神學與宗教意味濃厚、深富政治與文化批判目的的災難與鬼神意/異象。即便到目前為止已有不少這方面的評論,但大多欠缺較為完整連貫的理論架構統合處理小說中的神學靈視、善惡爭鬥、集體行動與救贖希望。針對這些不足之處,本文將開展唯物神學觀點閱讀宋澤萊《血色蝙蝠降臨的城市》與《熱帶魔界》。第一部分將對現有的一些主要的研究進行評述,著眼於美學形式風格與激進的神學思考、政治文化批判的密切關連。第二部分透過「失真圖像」(anamorphosis)的理路構築神學靈視的理論基礎,要強調的是一種非主體中心論的、牽涉到身體(而非只是單純的觀點或認知)變異、某種視覺場域「不可化解的殘留物」(indivisible remainder)、以及現實本體秩序斷裂的經驗,以此分析小說中有神學靈視體驗的角色如何參與對抗邪惡與現實改造的行動。接下來將進一步藉由謝林(F. W. J. von Schelling)哲學,鋪陳出紀傑克(Slavoj ?#382;ek)唯物神學的理路,著眼於對現實物質世界有著激進極端的關懷的神學的介入,亦是一種創造性的毀滅,而非通往超越性的域外或所有矛盾衝突終告消解的空靈的、虛無的、亦是封閉的世界。以此理路分析小說中的邪惡的問題,並且「檢視」、而非「印證」小說中的神學經驗,開拓有別於對號入座式的閱讀更寬廣深入的視野。
Tser-lai Sung stands out from other Taiwanese writers with his signature use of magical-realist techniques to visualize catastrophes and religious experiences. A lot of commentaries and academic researches have addressing this subject, but few of them come up with a coherent theoretical framework to think together theological visions, battles between good and evil, collective agencies and redemption. In response to such a lack, this paper proposes a materialist-theological reading of Tser-lai Sung’s The City Where Blood-red Bats Descended and The Tropical World of Demons. The first part of this paper, as particularly concerns about the close tie between aesthetic stylistics, theological views and political-cultural critiques, offers a critical review of a few studies in Sung’s fiction. In light of ’anamorphosis,’ the second part attempts to theorize theological visions with a view to how they involve radical decentralization of the subject, becoming of the body and gaps of ontological order. Then, the focus shifts to how Shao-hsiung Peng embodies radical evil. The last part of this paper explores the issue of redemption from ?#382;ek’s materialist-theological perspectives based on his updated interpretation of Schelling’s philosophy. The ultimate concern of this paper is how radical theological intervention in transforming realities, instead of a self-enclosed, nihilistic world free of antagonism, is possible in Sung’s two novels.
Tser-lai Sung stands out from other Taiwanese writers with his signature use of magical-realist techniques to visualize catastrophes and religious experiences. A lot of commentaries and academic researches have addressing this subject, but few of them come up with a coherent theoretical framework to think together theological visions, battles between good and evil, collective agencies and redemption. In response to such a lack, this paper proposes a materialist-theological reading of Tser-lai Sung’s The City Where Blood-red Bats Descended and The Tropical World of Demons. The first part of this paper, as particularly concerns about the close tie between aesthetic stylistics, theological views and political-cultural critiques, offers a critical review of a few studies in Sung’s fiction. In light of ’anamorphosis,’ the second part attempts to theorize theological visions with a view to how they involve radical decentralization of the subject, becoming of the body and gaps of ontological order. Then, the focus shifts to how Shao-hsiung Peng embodies radical evil. The last part of this paper explores the issue of redemption from ?#382;ek’s materialist-theological perspectives based on his updated interpretation of Schelling’s philosophy. The ultimate concern of this paper is how radical theological intervention in transforming realities, instead of a self-enclosed, nihilistic world free of antagonism, is possible in Sung’s two novels.