久坐傷身: 高齡者不同主客觀靜態時間與功能性體適能之差異研究

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臺灣推估將於2025年邁入超高齡社會,隨著年齡老化,高齡者會面臨到肌力衰退、平衡能力下降、行走速度變慢等身體功能退化的情形。由於科技的進步,高齡者在日常生活中從事靜態及久坐行為的時間逐漸增加,但較少有研究同時運用主觀及客觀工具,針對高齡者靜態時間與功能性體適能議題進行探討,據此,本研究之主要研究目的為瞭解研究對象不同主觀、客觀測量靜態時間與功能性體適能之差異。本研究為橫斷性研究設計,以便利取樣招募121位社區高齡者參與(平均年齡69.97± 5.04歲)。研究工具包括客觀儀器三軸加速規 (ActiGraph)、主觀靜態行為問卷及功能性體適能測驗,統計方法包括描述性統計分析、獨立樣本t檢定及單因子變異數分析。研究結果發現研究對象主觀靜態時間平均為7.72小時,客觀靜態時間平均為10.09小時,客觀總靜態時間高於主觀總久坐時間。此外,研究對象主觀靜態行為之多寡與體適能表現均無顯差異,而客觀靜態行為部分,高靜態行為者相較於中、低靜態行為者,有較差的上肢肌力、動態平衡能力。根據本研究之結果,建議未來研究需針對高齡族群進行客觀的靜態行為測量,並針對高靜態行為者發展介入策略,以達到維持高齡者身體功能之目標。
It is estimated that Taiwan will become a super-aged society in 2025. With aging, older adults are facing the condition of functional fitness decline, including reduced muscular strength, poor balance ability and lower gait speed. In addition, older adults are engaging in more sedentary time in daily life due to technology advances. However, limited studies have used both objective and subjective measurement to examine the association between sedentary time and physical function. Thus, the purposes of this study are to examine differences of objective and subjective-measured sedentary time with physical function in older adults. This cross-sectional study recruited 121 community-dwelling older adults (average age: 69.97± 5.04 years) using convenience sampling. Sedentary time was assessed using an accelerometer (Actigraph) and a subjective questionnaire, as well as physical function was measured by 5 tests. Descriptive statistics, independent t test and ANOVA were performed. The results showed that the participants had an average of 7.72 objective sedentary time and 10.09 subjective sedentary time. For subjective sedentary time, no significant differences were observed between different sedentary time and physical performance. For objective sedentary time, older adults with high sedentary time had significant worse performance of upper muscle strength and dynamic balance ability. It is suggested the importance of objectively measuring older adults' sedentary time and developing intervention strategies for those with high sedentary time, for achieving the goal of maintaining older adults' functional fitness.



久坐行為, 身體功能, 三軸加速規, Sedentary behavior, functional fitness, accelerometer





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