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中國大陸在坐擁世界第一的外匯存底情況下,於2007 年成立了第一個 主權財富基金,隨即受到國際間的高度矚目,一方面是因其規模高達2,000 億美元,在全球排名第六;另一方面是從2008 年開始的全球金融風暴下, 中國的主權財富基金成為各國資金短缺下的活水源頭。本文從相互依存理論 的角度出發,探討中國成立主權財富基金迄今,在政治與經濟層面所獲得的 正面效益,以及所遭遇的諸多問題,並提出其未來應該發展方向之建議。
Abstract As the largest holder of foreign exchange reserves in the world, China established its first Sovereign Wealth Fund in 2007, which attracted considerable international attention immediately. On one hand, the scale of sovereign wealth funds had reached 200 million USD, the sixth highest in the world; on the other hand, China’s sovereign wealth funds became active funds for investment under the global financial crisis that occurred in 2008 when many countries were facing fund shortages. From the viewpoint of the interdependence theory, this study investigated the positive political and economic benefits of China’s sovereign wealth funds, as well as its problems, and proposed suggestions to its future development.
Abstract As the largest holder of foreign exchange reserves in the world, China established its first Sovereign Wealth Fund in 2007, which attracted considerable international attention immediately. On one hand, the scale of sovereign wealth funds had reached 200 million USD, the sixth highest in the world; on the other hand, China’s sovereign wealth funds became active funds for investment under the global financial crisis that occurred in 2008 when many countries were facing fund shortages. From the viewpoint of the interdependence theory, this study investigated the positive political and economic benefits of China’s sovereign wealth funds, as well as its problems, and proposed suggestions to its future development.