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本文的主要目的即在引介並說明Sarah Thornton於《舞廳文化-音樂、媒體及次文化資本》一書中所闡述之「次文化資本」的青少年次文化研究取向,以及此-「次文化資本」研究取向對於臺灣教育社會學研究可能有的啟發。Thornton認為,次文化中也有所謂「次文化資本」及「次文化意識型態」的存在,透過這些概念,青少年想像他們自己及其他的社會群體,肯定他們自身的獨特性,進而將自己和主流文化及次級團體中的其他成員予以畫分。準此,本文將具體比較「文化資本」及「次文化資本」概念的異同處,說明後者在青少年次文化研究上的重要性;而為了分析Thornton的研究背景,本文也將述及西方學界近來在次文化研究方法上的演變情形。最後,則試圖從次文化資本、次文化意識型態等概念來省思臺灣社會的青少年次文化的某些現象及問題。
在研究結論方面,本文歸納Thornton的研究至少對於國內教育社會學研究有著下列的重要性;(一) 透過她的研究,Bourdieu理論中一些概念諸如「品味」(taste)、「區辨」(distinction)和「文化資本」等,已然成為當代研究青少年次文化重要的概念;(二)在她的研究裡,也提醒了不應以籠統對立的方式來界定次文化,否則易忽略存在於次文化內的多元與異質性,更可能會對其中細微的權力運作關係視而不見;(三)相較於CCCS研究對於媒體的忽略,Thornton主張媒體(包括電視、廣播、雜誌、宣傳小冊甚至網路)都是次文化形成過程中的重要一部份。
The main purpose of this article is to introduce and analyze the contemporary trends of the study on adolescence/youth subcultures in the modern Western society, especially the approach of ‘subcultural capital’(coined and employed by Sarah Thornton). Since l980s, through 1990s, the meanings and contents of youth subcultures have rapid and overall transformations with the changes of society today, companying with the advancement of globalization, communications and information technologies, the youth (sub)culture also has changed into a ‘hybridized’ and ‘globalized’ culture (borrowing from the term of A. Besley). Due to the influences of postmodernism, many contemporary youth cultures researchs tend to focus on the alternative approaches of subcultural studies, including the famous writing “Club Cultures: Music, Media and Subcultural Capital” authored by Thornton. In this book, Thornton employed the concept of ‘subcultural capital’ (borrowed from the concept of ‘cultural capital’ of P. Bourdieu). Just as cultural capital, the subcultural capitals confer status on its owner and affects the standing of the young like its adult equivalent. The subcultural capital can also be objectified in the forms of fashionable haircuts and well-assembled record collections and be embodied in the form of being ‘in the know’, using current slang, etc. As the dual identities of educator and educational researcher, the author argues that we should investigate the subcultures of our students in term of Thornton’s “subcultural capital” in order to enhance our understanding about the youth culture and promote the advances in the sociology of education.
The main purpose of this article is to introduce and analyze the contemporary trends of the study on adolescence/youth subcultures in the modern Western society, especially the approach of ‘subcultural capital’(coined and employed by Sarah Thornton). Since l980s, through 1990s, the meanings and contents of youth subcultures have rapid and overall transformations with the changes of society today, companying with the advancement of globalization, communications and information technologies, the youth (sub)culture also has changed into a ‘hybridized’ and ‘globalized’ culture (borrowing from the term of A. Besley). Due to the influences of postmodernism, many contemporary youth cultures researchs tend to focus on the alternative approaches of subcultural studies, including the famous writing “Club Cultures: Music, Media and Subcultural Capital” authored by Thornton. In this book, Thornton employed the concept of ‘subcultural capital’ (borrowed from the concept of ‘cultural capital’ of P. Bourdieu). Just as cultural capital, the subcultural capitals confer status on its owner and affects the standing of the young like its adult equivalent. The subcultural capital can also be objectified in the forms of fashionable haircuts and well-assembled record collections and be embodied in the form of being ‘in the know’, using current slang, etc. As the dual identities of educator and educational researcher, the author argues that we should investigate the subcultures of our students in term of Thornton’s “subcultural capital” in order to enhance our understanding about the youth culture and promote the advances in the sociology of education.