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本研究為漢語、日語、泰語「切」類動詞之跨語言研究,主要探討中、日、泰之「切」類動詞(Verbs of Cutting)對應詞彙及相關近義詞,如漢語之「剪、割、切、剁、砍、削、劈」等動詞分析。有鑑於過去跨語言研究東亞文獻著墨甚少(cf. Majid et al. 2007; Bohnemeyer, 2007),而且相關的中文跨語言研究大都停留在詞語對應、詞義的制約層面,本研究將從認知(cognitive-based)與描述 (descriptive approach) 的角度,擬結合心理實驗研究 (experimental study)來比較分析結果,探討跨語言動詞詞彙的差異,並進一步提出針對日籍和泰籍之華語學習者在華語「切類」動詞學習之議題與建議。 本計畫為兩年計畫中的「第二年計畫」,延續前一年的計畫 (中、英「切」類動詞之詞彙差異處,執行中計畫NSC 100-2410- H-003-085),主要重點著重於兩方面:(i) 跨語言分析:「切」類動作動詞語言成分之對比分析,與(ii)方向(direction)/形狀(shape)(結果)等語義成分的心理實驗測試(Chen, 2007; Koenig et al. 2008)。 本計畫,為期一年,將探究高頻且語義複雜的Cut Verbs動詞,其語義成分包含「致使義」、「工具」、「力道」、「接觸」(cf. Gao and Cheng 2003)。以下為本計畫的主要研究步驟及研究問題為: 一、 藉由切類事件影片描述之分析比較,釐清漢語、日語、泰語「切」類動詞的分類、詞彙化的差異和語法之間的互動關係及此三種語言與英語動詞之細微差異; 二、 透過心理實驗研究,除了探索漢語近義詞動詞中所蘊涵的語義成分,例如方向(DIRECTION)及形狀(SHAPE),我們擬將討論漢語「切」類動詞的相關補語分析、詞彙化問題及相關句式結構; 三、 透過譬喻(metaphor)與語義延伸分析,來探討與「切」動詞相關的延伸動詞語義關聯性,如「切割、割愛、剖析、解剖、割捨、砍硬碟」與基本動詞意義的關係「割、剖、砍」; 在教學應用方面,我們也將進一步提出漢語動詞延伸動詞組詞彙之教學排序建議(cf. 刑志群,2011),供華語文教師及學習者參考。 最後,本計畫也將針對現今常用三本華語文教材做評估分析,進而提出針對日籍、泰籍學習者切類動詞教學排序之範例及說明,以期發展出適用於不同動詞組之常用教材練習。相關研究報告也將陸續在國內外期刊中發表,以期貢獻華語詞彙教學方面的研究。
The main goal of this cross-linguistic study is to explore and analyze verbs of cutting in Mandarin, Japanese and Thai, including, jian, ge, qie, duo, kan, xiao, pi, etc. There has not been much cross-linguistic research on East Asian languages in the past (cf. Majid et al. 2007; Bohnemeyer, 2007), and most of the research is bound to the limitation of semantic distinctions. The present study investigates cross-linguistic differences of Cutting verbs from the perspectives of cognitive, descriptive approach and experimental study results and provides further suggestions on the issue of Verbs of Cutting as well as Learning Strategy for Japanese and Thai Students. This study is the second year of the two-year project. Continuing the First year project (Semantics Difference of Verbs of Cutting in Mandarin and English NSC 100-2410- H-003-085), this study focuses on :(i) cross-linguistic analysis: lexical items among verbs of cutting and (ii) experimental study of semantic components embodied like DIRECTION and SHAPE. (Chen, 2007; Koenig et al. 2008) The study is a one-year project, focusing on high frequency and complicated semantic components embodied in Cutting verbs like "CAUSATIVE", "INSTRUMENT", "FORCE", "CONTACT" of Cutting verbs (cf. Gao and Cheng, 2003). Overall, we aim to: 1. Uncover Verbs of cutting in terms of semantic components, lexicalization and related sentential structure among Mandarin, Japanese and Thai through the contrast analysis of Videos of Cutting events. We will then discuss their fine-grained distinctions compared to English. 2. Explore the Mandarin Cutting verbs that conflated the semantic components (DIRECTION OR SHAPE) and discuss related complements, lexicalization, sentential structure of verbs of cutting through psychological experiments 3. Explore semantic extension relevance of verbs of cutting, for example qiege “to cut", geai “to part with someone's treasure", poxi “to analysis”, jiepo “to dissect", geshe “to give up", kan yingdie “delete hard drives" through semantic analysis of conceptual metaphor (versus original meaning). In addition, based on Xing’s (2011) proposal, we aim to propose the sequencing structure of Cutting verbs for learners’ reference. Finally, this study aims to evaluate three current commonly-used Mandarin teaching materials, advise instructions and samples of near-synonymous for Japanese and Thai learners, and develop suitable learning materials of Cutting verbs for both language practitioners and students. The result will not only be published in conferences or journals, but also encourage researchers for further related studies.
The main goal of this cross-linguistic study is to explore and analyze verbs of cutting in Mandarin, Japanese and Thai, including, jian, ge, qie, duo, kan, xiao, pi, etc. There has not been much cross-linguistic research on East Asian languages in the past (cf. Majid et al. 2007; Bohnemeyer, 2007), and most of the research is bound to the limitation of semantic distinctions. The present study investigates cross-linguistic differences of Cutting verbs from the perspectives of cognitive, descriptive approach and experimental study results and provides further suggestions on the issue of Verbs of Cutting as well as Learning Strategy for Japanese and Thai Students. This study is the second year of the two-year project. Continuing the First year project (Semantics Difference of Verbs of Cutting in Mandarin and English NSC 100-2410- H-003-085), this study focuses on :(i) cross-linguistic analysis: lexical items among verbs of cutting and (ii) experimental study of semantic components embodied like DIRECTION and SHAPE. (Chen, 2007; Koenig et al. 2008) The study is a one-year project, focusing on high frequency and complicated semantic components embodied in Cutting verbs like "CAUSATIVE", "INSTRUMENT", "FORCE", "CONTACT" of Cutting verbs (cf. Gao and Cheng, 2003). Overall, we aim to: 1. Uncover Verbs of cutting in terms of semantic components, lexicalization and related sentential structure among Mandarin, Japanese and Thai through the contrast analysis of Videos of Cutting events. We will then discuss their fine-grained distinctions compared to English. 2. Explore the Mandarin Cutting verbs that conflated the semantic components (DIRECTION OR SHAPE) and discuss related complements, lexicalization, sentential structure of verbs of cutting through psychological experiments 3. Explore semantic extension relevance of verbs of cutting, for example qiege “to cut", geai “to part with someone's treasure", poxi “to analysis”, jiepo “to dissect", geshe “to give up", kan yingdie “delete hard drives" through semantic analysis of conceptual metaphor (versus original meaning). In addition, based on Xing’s (2011) proposal, we aim to propose the sequencing structure of Cutting verbs for learners’ reference. Finally, this study aims to evaluate three current commonly-used Mandarin teaching materials, advise instructions and samples of near-synonymous for Japanese and Thai learners, and develop suitable learning materials of Cutting verbs for both language practitioners and students. The result will not only be published in conferences or journals, but also encourage researchers for further related studies.