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部落格書寫與跨國文化流動:重新思考全球化、東亞與網際網路脈絡下台灣的「哈日」實踐 本研究提出「後哈日」在台灣是『一種由於台灣長期浸淫於日本文化或流行文化中,穩定持續的進行接觸「日本」的累積、狀態與實踐。』然而,不像台灣九零年代的「哈日」,所指稱的是某種明顯的狂熱狀態。本研究重點將放在台灣的脈絡下,媒體/觀光跨國地景如何從九零年代「哈日」的日劇電視影像,結合到日本觀光旅遊,到十幾年之後「後哈日」旅居日本的女性部落格書寫。本研究想提出日本影視流行文化的影響,在網路科技的時代如何有了權力移轉,從掌握資源的電視電影到網路的彈性散佈,形成新型態的自我賦權式的網絡資本與跨國文化認同的協商與流動?作為文化中介者,部落客的主體位置游移於台灣與日本之間,如何建構了新的混雜性的「對日本的凝視」,藉由網路的敘事與相片,以「真人真事」與日常生活的方式呈現更加「原真性」的日本。這些女性部落客寫手,中介日本經驗,自己成為媒體介面,生產、展演與發佈有關位於日本的自我自傳式的敘事加上圖片或插畫,不管是較私密的夫妻相處關係、或是跨國羅曼史,或工作生活的自我揭露,結合商品或觀光景點/美食為主的描繪,編織出跟日本相關的文化地景,提供另,類於日本電視制式化生產的日本風貌,讓網路讀者可以投射他們自我的想像去捕捉自傳式的各式各樣的場景以及動態。他們如何藉由網路,體現自己情感並創造了可供展演的公共性親密的文字、視覺/音樂空間,提供閱讀與進行互動性的交流。這些旅日部落客的文化認同進行自我表達的過程當中,解構了單一的強調日本的特殊或異國美麗的哈日認同,而是雙向性地來來回回於台灣日本之間的反思性與觀察;最後達到一種動態的平衡性,用自己混雜跨國自我認同的眼光去看待台灣與日本各自的優缺點。
This research proposes the notion of ’post-Japanese mania’ in Taiwan, refers ’a continuous and stable accumulation, state and practice that constantly keeps in touch with ’Japan’ in a historical context which Taiwan has been long-term immersed in Japanese culture and Japanese popular culture’. However, it is unlike ’Japan mania’ in the 90s which connotes apparently craze over Japan. This research highlights the transformation from ’Japan mania’ in the 90s to ’post Japan-mania’ after nearly 20 years. In the 90s, the transnational media/tourist mediascape is constituted by Taiwan’s ’Japan mania’ in the representation of Japanese TV drama in combination with tourism to Japan. The Internet has shifted the power from the concentrated resource based film and TV industry to the flexible accumulation of network capital and self-empowerment through Internet and social media. Recently several famous Taiwanese female bloggers’ writings and illustration who currently migrates to Japan are good examples for a ’post Japan-mania’ era. As cultural intermediaries, those female bloggers oscillating between Taiwan and Japan construct the new hybrid kind of ’gaze at Japan’ and display a more ’authentic’ Japan in the form of everyday life and real stories through Internet blog’s narratives. They mediate Japanese experiences and become media platform in the production, performance and distribution of autobiographical notes, include husband-wife relationships, transnational romance, self-exposure at work, locations of commodity/consumption. Those blogs re-map the cultural landscapes of Japan and provide alternatives from the images made by Japanese TV production, which invite online readers to project their own imaginations to capture foreign scenes and form network connections. In the process of self-expression of their cultural identity through blogging, bloggers deconstruct the 0versimplified emphasis on the particularity and exotic beauty of Japan in terms of ’Japan-mania’ identity. Instead, there is a mutual reflexivity and observation by moving forward and backward in-between Taiwan and Japan, which finally achieves a dynamic equilibrium. Those female migrant bloggers have had hybrid transnational self-identities to recognize and comprehend both advantage and disadvantage of Taiwan and Japan.
This research proposes the notion of ’post-Japanese mania’ in Taiwan, refers ’a continuous and stable accumulation, state and practice that constantly keeps in touch with ’Japan’ in a historical context which Taiwan has been long-term immersed in Japanese culture and Japanese popular culture’. However, it is unlike ’Japan mania’ in the 90s which connotes apparently craze over Japan. This research highlights the transformation from ’Japan mania’ in the 90s to ’post Japan-mania’ after nearly 20 years. In the 90s, the transnational media/tourist mediascape is constituted by Taiwan’s ’Japan mania’ in the representation of Japanese TV drama in combination with tourism to Japan. The Internet has shifted the power from the concentrated resource based film and TV industry to the flexible accumulation of network capital and self-empowerment through Internet and social media. Recently several famous Taiwanese female bloggers’ writings and illustration who currently migrates to Japan are good examples for a ’post Japan-mania’ era. As cultural intermediaries, those female bloggers oscillating between Taiwan and Japan construct the new hybrid kind of ’gaze at Japan’ and display a more ’authentic’ Japan in the form of everyday life and real stories through Internet blog’s narratives. They mediate Japanese experiences and become media platform in the production, performance and distribution of autobiographical notes, include husband-wife relationships, transnational romance, self-exposure at work, locations of commodity/consumption. Those blogs re-map the cultural landscapes of Japan and provide alternatives from the images made by Japanese TV production, which invite online readers to project their own imaginations to capture foreign scenes and form network connections. In the process of self-expression of their cultural identity through blogging, bloggers deconstruct the 0versimplified emphasis on the particularity and exotic beauty of Japan in terms of ’Japan-mania’ identity. Instead, there is a mutual reflexivity and observation by moving forward and backward in-between Taiwan and Japan, which finally achieves a dynamic equilibrium. Those female migrant bloggers have had hybrid transnational self-identities to recognize and comprehend both advantage and disadvantage of Taiwan and Japan.