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孫中山先生是革命先行者,亦是中華民國國父,其思想著作通貫古今,學融中外,學說論述博大精深,體系完備。其理論除供作建國藍圖和學術研究之外,亦多為教科書撰述的題材。但陳述最完整階段,卻是在國民政府時期的公民課程,本文即以國民政府時期的公民教科書為闡述的主題,而公民教科書又分為黨義和公民兩個部分。 1928年北伐告成,全國在形式已告統一,依中山先生建國大綱的規劃,軍政結束,即進入訓政階段,在當時國民黨及國民政府的主導下,必須以孫中山的思想和精神,來進行政治社會化的工作,以激發國人的國家意識,砥礪民眾的愛國情操,於是在 1929年將原先中學的公民科改為黨義科,小學中學大學同步授課,開創教育史上的新紀元。雖然,此措施僅實施三年,但在 1929年恢復公民科後,孫中山思想和志業仍是各級學校教學重點。 本文以臺灣蒐藏當年的教科書,為分析重點,但典藏版本不見完整。因此,有時只得求助於課程標準,依課程中之教材綱目,約略可窺出當時的課程組織和教學策略。全文共分為六段,主要是以黨義和公民教科書為論述主軸,從教科書中亦可了解當時國民政府的施政政策,以及孫中山思想如何融入當時政策的狀況。
The thought of Sun Yat-sen, a revolutionary pioneer and the founding father of the Republic of China, integrated classical and the contemporary theories and eastern and the western thought into a comprehensive system. His thought functioned not only as the blueprint of the establishment of a country but also the main source for textbooks on national education. Among them, textbooks for civic education during the Nanjing national government era, which included the two subjects of “Party Principles” and “Civics,” most precisely and comprehensively embodied Sun Yat-sen’s thought. After accomplishing the military ruling action in the Northern provinces and uniting the country in 1928, the KMT government, following Sun’s plan, started the stage of political tutelage, a political socialization engineered to cultivate national consciousness and patriotic spirit. The government initiated the course of “Party Principles” in elementary school, high school and also college. Although this course only lasted for three years, Sun’s thought and instruction remain the main source of teaching materials at different levels of the national educational system. This article aims to explicate course organizations and teaching strategies during the Nanjing national government era, reviewing course guidelines and textbooks during that period, while given the incompletion of the collection. This article includes six sections. Based on the analysis of the discourses expounded in these materials, this article further explores the policy of the national government and how these policies embodied Sun’s thought.



